Guest Post with No Firewall

One of the most repeated questions I got from my blog readers and friends is:
How I managed to get a lot of guest posting on our blog?!
I usually reply back with an advice or two, and I wish I can hand a better experience to those who are looking to increase the average of guest posts on their blogs, but it’s really hard thing to do -sorry to disappoint you- but I am trying to give you a real and honest advice here to help you get a guest post, and it will not make any sense to you if I tell you “do this and that”, then you go happy to implement my tips with hight expectations thinking you will get tons of guest posts to your blog tomorrow!
I am sorry, but it will never happen this way!
I must mention that title of my post is inspired by Sajib who wrote a nice post about and me as the person who runs the blog. I am wondering why that post has no comments? is it because everyone already knows enough about me? or because I share lots of my ideas that no one has any question to ask me anymore?!
Guest Posting is a Gift from Heaven!
Sometimes when I think about the whole thing, I wonder what could happen if guest blogging doesn’t exists in our world, I will be then blogging lonely and life will not be so excited like it should be, so I am really thankful for the idea and who ever invited “guest blogging”, I would even love it if I can track the first guest post in history of blogging, maybe I will have a chance to thank that person personally, but .. well! I think it’s so hard to track it, do you know who is the inventor of guest blogging? plz let me know!
Although, I didn’t know anything about guest posting before I started, I was just planning to create a multi-author blog that has high passionated blogging team, then the idea expanded to include guest blogging, the good thing is FB was ready for it, and this made me lucky, not really smart!
Latter, I decided to take the chance, and work more harder to enhance the performance of the blog, I did every possible way
Inviting Bloggers to Guest Post?
Certainly not, even in the very early days, I was not inviting anyone to guest post on my blog so widely, as I said before, I didn’t even know that guest posting is something I can do, and what I did was inviting others to join our blogging team, to write every week here on!
Some bloggers was sending me emails asking me what’s the advantage of writing for another blog, others was asking what they will get in return if they join our blogging team, I was shy to talk about to much about highlighting bloggers, giving them backlinks or drive traffic to their blogs, it was not true at that time for a starting blog, and we all hear this kind of stuff, and it’s not convincing anyone, probably it was not enough reason for me to invite anyone to join our blogging team and dedicate a few hours of their week for it, I mean.. for me it doesn’t make sense!
I was thinking they are silly people, because my idea was so clear, I wanted to create a blog to compete, I was thinking working together, I was hoping to rank #1 in our blogging niche, but I must say they were blind, they didn’t see the advantages of working together, then we can enjoy results of being part of a strong blog and community, and we all know it’s extremely hard thing to achieve if any blogger try to grow alone!
Only a few bloggers responded to my calls, they are located in our FB about page right now!
Here we are my friends! I can say that we already made a full of success history if we look behind, we are living great moments of victory at present, and we will create a bright future TOGETHER!
Guest Posting with No Firewall
Yes! I’ve removed guest posting firewall, I am spreading our blog’s arms wide open to anyone who is seeking a blog hug!
How many newspapers out there publishing lies and fake news everyday?
And how many blogs and websites has low quality content?
I know.. I know.. It’s my blog and I have to protect it and everything, but who am I to judge others?
Let the real Judges –blog readers– speak their minds, let them decide which article is good and which is bad!
My task is not stopping you from guest posting, my task is to help you on getting the opportunity to talk and share! If you wrote something that has no value or you don’t have a strong opinion, then readers will cut you to little pieces, it’s all yours, it’s your mistake! You will never hurt the blog you are writing for, you are hurting only yourself! (Do you have a different opinion? Share it!)
And just to let you know, the most annoying thing ever happen is when someone guest post, and never reply to comments or interact with comments, I would remove their post completely from the blog, but unfortuinatly it’s something I can NOT do! I only can take a decision NOT to publish any guest posts submitted by them anymore!
Guest Posting resources
Here is a few guest posts resources and tips I would like to share, I also included some other useful read on what we did here on FB to enhance the blog, and our way to connect with our readers:
- Guest post like a Pro
- Involve readers in Blog Design
- 5 Reasons Why You Should Write Quality Guest Posts
- Guest Posting is about Relationship
- 10 Simple Ways to Get Your Guest Post Rejected
- Guest Blogging in Their Eyes
- 5 Reasons Why People Don’t Prefer Guest Blogging
- How To Guest Post Without Putting Your Foot In It
- Selling Link Building Services by Guest Blogging Abuse
- How do you Publish the Right Guest Post?
- Top 3 Ways to Find Great Guest Contributors for Your Blog
- 5 more Reasons you must Guest Post
- Guest Blogging Contest Lessons
Using Logic to get a Guest Post
So, if you think I am inviting bloggers to guest post on FB, you are mistaken, it’s not something I really do, it’s something that I ask when there is a chance or general talk, but I do invite people by another logic, it’s the logic of making this blog more comfort for them, results are much greater. It feels good when bloggers ask you to guest post, and they are worried of not being accepted!
So, what’s your logic? and how you get bloggers to guest post on your blog?
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