How do you Publish the Right Guest Post?

Right, so we all know what Guest blogging is. The ‘art’ of publishing your work somewhere other than on your blog. I’m doing a guest post right now. Guest blogging has a number of advantages. I initally wasn’t quite sold on the idea of guest blogging for some reason. But my doubts were cleared when I read Glen from Viperchill’s post on guest blogging. Since then I’ve tried my hands out on guest posting, but I think something isn’t quite right, so I need some help here. Note, this is not a ‘how to’ post, this is an honest-to-God question!
After months of procrastination, I finally got my act together and started my SEO blog. I thought it would be pointless to write guest posts for other websites when my blog was empty. Hence, my first assignment was to fill up my blog with SEO posts and let people know what I was about. I personally see guest blogging as a form of publicity, you can’t publicize something (in this case, myself) and have no proof of it. So I didn’t make any guest post until about two months after launching my blog. By this time, I felt I had gotten enough articles on belt to count for something. When I finally made the first post, the feedback and traffic I got from it was amazing, and pushed me into doing a couple of guest posts else where, which have been great as well. No rejections so far (fingers crossed).
However, the traffic dropped, the euphoria died, and I started feeling funny. I felt as though I was neglecting my first love. So I went back to her and since then, it’s been hard to focus on anything else.
Any time I start writing a guest post I get a strong urge to publish it on my blog because I feel that’s where it should be. I think to myself, this would be a great place to link to that other post I did a few weeks back, here and there and before you know it, BAAM! It’s on my blog. It’s so bad that as I write this post I worry that I might publish it on my blog, again!
I’m a bit of a Perfectionist
I guess another issue of mine is I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I need to have a good great feeling about a post before I submit it as a guest post anywhere. And yes, you guessed it, most times, the post doesn’t quite cut it for outside consumption in my opinion. I feel only the best should be found outside; the ok-ish posts can be found on my own blog. Sometimes, after I’ve published it on my blog, the few people who read it love it and then I get to thinking, maybe it was actually good enough for a guest post. Well it’s too late now!
Am I the only one having this issue? Please I need help! What do I do to get more guest posts out there? I don’t blog full time, in fact, it’s really just a hobby of mine (which I’m absolutely loving but not ready to do full time either), to pour out my thoughts and experience from learning SEO. I don’t want to write a guest post on something which has been said before (I’ll rather have that on my own blog…).
How do you guys do it? Do you feel guilty about publishing posts else where? Don’t get me wrong, I always feel proud when my guest post gets positive feedback, but still… I figured the best place to ask a question like this would be somewhere famous for bloggers. So here I am, asking for advice. Would love to hear your ideas and opinions about publishing the right guest posts.
Image credit : confused
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