Social Media & Marketing Brave Hearts – Guest Blogging Contest Lessons

There is nothing better than been busy working on an awesome project like our Guest Blogging Contest which seems to be a very successful contest regarding the quality I see in the entries and the online surrounding promotion that has been done for the contest which is spreading it widely allover the internet. I want to share you with some great Social Media and Internet Marketing lessons I have learned through running the competition, and talk about two brave hearts inspired me and this actually changed my way of thinking.
What have we learned so far?
I personally have learned tons new thing I didn’t even know about it before, I mean don’t think I am an expert or anything from that, I am just trying to learn by sharing with other what I know and take the best they can give to me! And I am going to talk about two persons, who are greater than been only bloggers, they are excerpts each one on his field, I have learned from them, and I would love to see you learning also from them like I did, I am going to inspire you by “the how” they changed the way I look to this contest.
I am going to show you why our guest blogging contest is more than just an online contest, it’s not a winning and losing competition, it has no losers, it’s a lesson, and it’s a project!
Two Bloggers to learn from
Trust me guys, you will not find some one to learn from how to blog, how to use social media, how to build your site and marketing it better than Gerald Weber of Houston SEO blog, and Andrew Rondeau of the Blogging Guide, I am watching this so closely and I am completely impressed by these two guys! So I am sharing this with you to learn from them!
Why Social Media & Marketing Brave Hearts
First, fully understand the meaning of cooperation, and they enjoying a very high spirit while playing the game!
I can be more specific and highlight Gerald‘s great work on promoting the contest, he have a very unique social media style when he is doing it, which leads me to call it the brave heart social media style, sharing his tips, spreading the contest post through his Twitter followers almost everyday since we started our challenge and published his How to Put the Kibosh on Content Scrapers & Thieves post.
Is this all? NO! he is also promoting other posts on the contest and giving it a big push as well with a great spirit. and he have done a very good promotion for the contest on every corner of the internet.
My other great example of promotion and marketing I catch it from my big brother and friend Andrew, he have done a very high marketing technique that no one will even think about it the same way like he did!
Check this one, when Andrew submitted his 43 Blogger Tips – What you should do after installing WordPress post, and before I publish it, I asked him about the best time for him to publish his post so he can promote it with out losing his audience, I try to avoid publishing contest posts at weekends and prefer to publish my own posts if you understand what I mean, and Andrew reply a very short email saying that he don’t mind, publish it at any time!
Have you learned confident yet? I have learned the confident from Andrew’s reply!
Is that All? Nope! After promoting his post, Andrew didn’t stop at this point, he is doing another amazing thing, he is working on his post and making it a bigger project! I am not going to tell you what he have done, but you can watch the special videos which makes the whole thing more interesting, it’s the Blogging Guide: Blogger tips 1- 4, and Blogging Guide: Blogger tips 5, 6 and 30, I love his idea! I could post this video here, but I am not going to do that, I prefer you see his idea on his ground, and If you can not learn from it then I am so sorry for you!
Have you figure it out yet?
Have you got the whole picture from those two great social media and internet marketing examples above?
Are you learning creativity?
What you gonna do?
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