How To Guest Post Without Putting Your Foot In It

Ok, so this is the second Guest Post I have ever written here at FB blog so don’t be too hard on me.
We all know that Guest Posting is really great thing to do, and it has tons of benefits for bloggers such as promotion and building readership, and so many other thins that need more than only one post about it!
This is about what to do so as you write your Guest Post without too many cock-ups.
1 – Find out what niche the blog or site is in
It is not much point writing about gardening if the blog is about search engine optimisation or computer technology. If you are keen on gardening then ask around or do a search engine look-up for sites and blogs on that. Then leave a comment or leave a message at their contact email address asking the blogger or site webmaster if you can write a guest post in their blog/site.
2 – Stick to the issue at hand
It is no use having diversions, like talking about your pet cat in the middle of guest-posting about computers. It just confuses everyone, especially the site owner or the blogger who is in charge of the website, and their audience.
3 – WordPress is the right way!
Find out exactly how to enter your writing text into their WordPress system or blogging system so that you know what you are doing (ha, as if I know what I am doing here!) and can optimize your Guest Post for maximum enhancement. Ask if you can enter some links pointing to your website or blog.
4 – Your post is approved
With any luck, your Guest Post will end up getting approved and published for everyone to see and if it is a popular blog or site, the better because you will get some neat comments and feedback. Not to mention backlinks pointing back to your blog. And the audience will hopefully like it too.
5 – Put a unique spin
And OK, this issue regarding Guest Posting probably has been done before, so try to put a unique spin or description on your blog post, or tips that no one has seen or read before. Also find out how many words you can write in a post.
Share some of your own tips on getting guest posts approved quickly, and how do you write your posts description, just add something useful to this list 🙂
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