Let’s Meet Each Other before Pronouncing the Winners

In this place, today on FamousBloggers.net, great people meet with other great people, and together they can simple create something to add to the history, and I believe we have created the Biggest Comment Folder in the history of blogging and the internet. A total of 38 amazing articles has been submitted to our commenting folder that covers almost everything you need to know, it will remain for ever to tell the story of our success, and it will be the main source for those who are seeking knowledge and looking to learn more about how to benefit from blog comments in several and unlimited ways as there is nothing better than sharing our own experiences.
We have reached the finals of our amazing blogging contest, and we are almost there, getting ready to pronounce our contest winners, that will be at the 15 of Aug 2010, and I realized that it’s so important for us to meet each other, all together before pronouncing the winners, and I want to let you know that I consider everyone participated in this contest a “WINNER”!
I have asked our participants about their opinion and experience with the contest, I have asked everyone to share something with us, and here what I have got, great respond from great people in our community, and I want to thank you so much for being around, I love you all!
Before I proceed, the order of the replies was determined by the order we published the articles before, so.. it’s not really more than that, also there is some members missing! I am sure that I sent my email to everyone, but probably they were busy like all of us, and I can not wait so long to receive emails because I am dying to share this with you guys, so if you are late, plz catch up with us!
What Participants Think about our Contest?
Tia | @bizchickblogs | website: BizChickBlogs
I expected to get a lot out of entering the contest and I have. Probably the most interesting thing for me was seeing how creative and original some of the entries were, from both very established bloggers and new(er) bloggers alike. Everyone who entered seemed to really pull together to help each other out, too, and I really liked that.
- Aritle: The 4 Irrefutable Laws of Blog Commenting
Stephanie Smith | @lambdakennels1 | website: StephanieSuesanSmith.com
My blog started in mid-January on GoDaddy’s Quickblog platform. I found the contest and entered it to learn. Based on observation, and what others could do with their blog appearance and performance and I could not, I migrated to WordPress and to Hostgator. I have learned a lot, gotten almost double the twitter followers I had, and lots of new RSS followers. I have had fun and been challenged while learning a lot about blog design and performance. I have met some really neat people and made some friends. From my perspective, I have received a good deal of knowledge and the opportunity to play with the big dogs — not something I would normally have gotten. Starting from very little I see that with a lot of work, I can come very far in a short time.
- Article: How to Obtain Comments on your Blog?
Andrew Peel | @Andrew_Peel | website: Apeel-SolutionsBlog.info
The ComLuv and FamousBloggers Contest was the first time I entered any time of writing competition. The experience has been very positive. I have made new contacts and the number of comments and shares on my entry was a pleasant surprise. There has also been an increase in traffic to my Blog as well which always a good thing.
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Precilla Sedney | @PrecillaSedney | website: FashionArtExpression.com
Thanks to this contest I learned a lot about engaging with my readers and really listening at what they are asking
- Article : The Art of Leaving a Comment
Lindsay | @Lindsay_Blogs | website: LindsayBlogs.com
The contest was a great way for me to flex my writing muscles. I got to write in a style that is nor my normal style and it felt really good. I also learned a lot of different tips and tricks about commenting in general from the other entries.
- Article : Get Comments That SAY Something!
Kristi Hines @kikolani | website: Kikolani.com
This contest has been an eye-opening experience for me. While in many other competitions, everyone else is effectively the enemy and your only goal is to get yourself ahead, with this blogging contest you can see that everyone, while promoting their own post, are also very supportive in coming by to comment and even sharing some tweets for others’ posts. I have also seen other contestants coming by my blog or guest posts on other blogs, and interacted with more people on Twitter during this time. I would say that, no matter who wins the cash, the main value of the contest came from making new connections in the blogging world, as well as learning more about how others feel about blog commenting, as many of the posts focused on that topic. I have also learned a LOT about how to do some hardcore blog promotion. All in all, a win-win situation.
- Article: Strengthen Your Article Marketing With CommentLuv Links
Devesh | @tnsblog | website: TechNShare.com
FamousBloggers Guest Blogging contest was one of the awesome contest I’ve ever seen. And Hesham did awesome work on managing all the guest posts in the contest. To me, FB ComLuv Blogging contest was much more then just getting money or prizes, I was able to build some awesome relationship with other bloggers through FB Blogging contest.
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Eve | @evelester | website: DesigningWithEve.com
I have been a blogger for years, I recently started over with a new set of blogs to try to freshen things up a bit with myself and my blog design business, so this contest was a great way for me to also freshen up on my social media skills. I was never big into twitter, link marketing, etc. But I needed a way in and this gave me that opportunity. I got to meet a lot of new people and build some great relationships in the process. I can’t believe how close it is, and that I may have a shot at at least placing! I never expected that. I guess I had more supporters than I knew about and I am so glad to be getting to know them all!
- Article: Don’t Be ‘That Guy’ when Commenting
Ariff | @ariffshah | website: AriffShah.com
I’m proud of joining this contest and being a Malaysian blogger who writes mainly in Malay language but at the same time getting my entry on ComLuv.com for this competition is something that I never have imagined happening. Maybe I should create another blog, this time written in English. I hope that I could win something from this competition. I’ve learned a lot from reading entries from other bloggers and I must say they have written some really quite good entries for this competition. I recommend reading all the entries as they are written by various people with very good insights and ideas. Good luck to all other participants and yeah, may the best entry wins.
- Article: Why I Love ComLuv
Ben Lang | @entrepreneurpro | website: EpicLaunch.com
After hearing about another huge contest at Famous Bloggers I wasn’t surprised. They always seem to be running those amazing contests.
Well this one turned out to be even bigger and more amazing than all others. Never had I seen so much cash to be won from a blog contest. The contest was so big that at first it was a bit overwhelming but once I got it, I immediately decided that I had to enter. Turns out I made the right decision, and so did many others.
- Article: 5 Ways to have a Unique Comment System on your blog
Gautam Hans | @virtuosoblogger | website: BlogGoDown.com
Being part of this contest was more than just the prize. The comments I got from other bloggers helped me get a 360 degree view of the commenting and what should be the right ways to do it. So, this contest is more than just guest blogging, it is about learning to broaden your horizon.
- Article: You’re only as Good as Your Comments
Kimberly Castleberry | @AskKim | website: Just-Ask-Kim.com
Participating in the ComLuv & FamousBlogger blogging challenge has been an absolute riot! It’s had this whole roller coaster of emotions… from wondering if I would do okay participating… to fear of getting my butt kicked… to excitement at the idea of leveraging my community to action… puzzlement at what to write about… anticipation after submitting it and waiting “forever” for it to be posted… overwhelm, exhaustion and amazement at the community support the two days after it launched… fatigue at keeping up with hundreds of comments… gratitude for everyone that went above and beyond to help me out… concern over how to keep up with it amid personal challenges… and now rekindled excitement as we come down to the wire and I gear up for one final push to make it into the spotlight! It’s been a journey that I’m so incredibly glad I didn’t let pass by! Its been a lot of work but balanced out by gratitude, new friendships, renewed sense of community and new readers on my own blog. I’ve made some awesome friends and readers and can’t wait to see if we do this again next year! Bring it on!
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Chadrack Irobogo | @profitmc | website: TheMarketingMouse.com
The FamousBloggers/Comluv Blog Contest has given me a whole lot of ideas to implement in the days ahead on building a community with my blog. It was indeed, a great idea!
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Dazzlin Donna | @DonnaFontenot | website: DazzlinDonna.com
I entered the FamousBloggers Comluv contest near the end of the original deadline and thought to myself, “Hmm, might be a lot of work since others have a head start, but what the heck, I’ll give it a try. I might be able to win at least the lowest prize, so why not…”. I planned to work hard to compete, but my only real expectation was that I would be working to win a prize. Sure, I still hope I win a prize, but the process has exceeded the original expectation, no matter what happens. What I got from this contest was energy, connections, interaction, community, bonds, knowledge, ideas, and a renewed spirit. Try truly connecting with a great community sometime, and you’ll see what I mean. Great experience.
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Kelli | @momof3boys3702 | website: 3BoysAndaDog.com
I have had great fun with the contest, meeting new people, and reaching within myself to come up with better comments. Over 30 people participated and I have read every post submitted. I know more than I ever thought possible about commenting. Thanks so much to CommentLuv and FamousBloggers for the contest! Even if I don’t win, it has been well worth the work.
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Latief | @another_blogger | website: Another-Blogger.com
A contest is not just about the prize. A contest is about help your self for being a better blogger. Why? Because you will give your best “Shot”, a killer content. You will help your competitor with some comments and may be you help your competitor with promotion. You work together with your competitor. This is hard for some people. A contest is a place that you can get more connection and engage with other blogger, build trust and credibility. When I’m not win, I’m not sad or get frustrated, no! I’ll be happy because I know that my best “Shot” is not that best enough, and I know there are few better blogger than me and I’ll keep improve and empower my self to be a better blogger. A contest is win win solution for the every one 😉 Keep blogging and have FUN!
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Onibalusi Bamidele | @dataentryforall | website: YoungPrePro.com
Famous Bloggers contest is one of the contests I have won before and it has a lot of great sponsors and contestants I can learn from. What I really love most about the concept of the contest is how Hesham uses it to build his blog, there is a lot to be learned from this guy!
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Nick W Bennett | @nickwbennett | website: 2MBBlogging.com
Being that this is my first writing contest, I have no basis of comparison. However, I do have one fantastic reason why I would enter more contests and encourage other bloggers to do the same. I thoroughly enjoyed reading and responding to the comments left by those who took the time to drop me a line. This actually encouraged me to check out some of their posts as well, and I ultimately discovered some great content which I otherwise may have never come across…ComLuv makes it easy to check out great blogs don’t they?!
Thank you All!
Enjoy the company, we will pronounce the winner on 15 of Aug 2010! Good Luck!
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