Guest Blogging in Their Eyes

We have experienced a noticeable growing on our guest posting from our blogging community during the last month, some will think it’s only because of the huge blogging contest we have organized, but I wanted to highlight some important opinions of a few active members of the community about guest blogging and share it with you!
I have asked them to share their thoughts about and what really makes them write for Famous Bloggers, and what makes this blog so special that they write and share their ideas here over and over when ever they have a chance, and I got great and incredibly fast respond from everyone!
The order you see here really doesn’t mean anything, it was totally depending on time of respond!
Guest Blogging in Their Eyes
I decided to publish this post immediately because there is absolutely no need to wait! So.. let’s see what they have told us, those bloggers who decided to prove their point of views in the blogging world, here is guest blogging in their eyes!
Gary Lawood
Known as Lawmcas, and he share tips for new bloggers and bloggers alike and the owner of Blogging The Future
Twitter: @lawmacs
There are lots of things special about famous blogger and one of the main thing is its name and the other thing is its vision that was laid out in my opinion famous blogger has great potential init as a blog, I will keep close to my heart Hesham famous blogger has established itself as a place for great bloggers a valuable community from the inset i realize the potential that famous bloggers have and want to be a part of it and still famous bloggers can be the next mashable or techcrunch hesham i know that famousblogger has not reach it potential
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Karan Singhal
A well-known professional search engine and social media optimizer. He founded the Trafficke SEO Consulting Firm. He also shares more advice at the Trafficke Blog.
Twitter: @Trafficke
Guest posting on FamousBloggers is a unique experience. And I really mean it. I can’t find one other blog about blogging on the web where the purpose is to have a guest posting community. So when I decide to write for Hesham, I know I’m welcome. But more importantly, when I guest post on FamousBloggers, I’m writing for a community of people who are willing to share thoughts, ask questions, and share content. This makes me feel that I’m really helping people with my content. FamousBloggers is really a great way to start your guest posting career and I say that from experience.
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She have a blog called, Best Of Joanne which has her articles, and it’s about reviews of other blogs, sites and contests around the web.
Twitter: @jmc1871jc
What makes guest posting special for me are the friendly comments and words of advice. No one is to critical or says “What you say really sucks.” Nobody insults each other and if the person seems to be in need of some help or other , the advice is said in a diplomatic, mature adult fashion.It seems to me that anything you happen to write about is read and good feedback is given to you, which is encouraging.
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Former Teacher and Community Development Consultant. Owner of Another Blogger, this blog get Page Rank 3 just in 3 months. Latief provide Simple Blogging Tips
Twitter @another_blogger
First, I’m with you from the first time. So I feel FB is my blog too and that is important for a guest blogger to have sense of belonging.
Second, I love to share and learn from people around me. I have met awesome and brilliant bloggers by being active with FB even I’m not leave comment on the time but still keep my eyes open with FB improvement.
Third, FB is more than just a blog, FB is a community, FB is a place to hang out, make fun and engage with other bloggers.
at the end, I send my article to FB because of YOU, my dear Brother Hesham, the man behind the scene that manage FB from day to day and always have a way to improve FB. In the future, I’ll try to guest post more for FB 😉
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She started blogging full time on her blog Blazing Minds, a blog which is a mixture of all sorts of interests.
Twitter: @BlazingMinds
It’s the interaction from commentators and fellow bloggers that gives me the incentive. It’s one of the few places where the community of readers are ready to get involved in posts made.
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Onibalusi Bamidele
A 16 year old entrepreneur. Get my free ebook on how to build a better website, visit my young entrepreneur blog.
Twitter @dataentryforall
What makes FB so special to me in term of guest posting is the type and quality of traffic I get from guest posting on FB. Even months I haven’t submitted a guest post, I still see FB on my list of top referrers with over 60 visitors to my blog. I can also track lots of increase in comments and interaction to my guest post on FB. Who does not want this type of traffic?
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Melinda Kroeze
She create websites for small businesses in addition to writing my blog Simple Home Organization. Having a sense of humor is my secret for sanity while juggling three kids, a dog, and work.
Twitter: @simplehomeorg
Guest Posting on FB is an opportunity to introduce myself and share ideas with bloggers for whom I have great respect and highly value their opinions. Posting an article about an issue I struggle with, I’m able to connect with others who share a similar experience. Each article receives an outpouring of feedback from more experienced bloggers who unselfishly provide valuable insight and advice. The comments are equally as important as the article itself, and the community support and spirit at FB provides a unique sharing experience that is beneficial to everyone.
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Tola Famakinwa
She is an SEO Consultant. That’s what she do for a living but at night she is a blogger. She use her personal SEO blog to test the newly acquired SEO and blogging skills and then officially implement it. She also love singing, reading frictional novels and watching blockbuster Movies…
I’ll have to say it’s the community and the way people warmly accept you, no questions asked! Yours was my second guest post so I was still a bit nervous about my reception, but I had nothing to fear. I’ve made a number of contacts from my time with FB and I look forward to making more!
I don’t know how you do it, but keep up the good work with Famous Blogger!
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Mars Dorian
He helps people spread their influence and build passionate online communities. If you want to build a strong digital presence, dive into his world!
Twitter: @marsdorian
The special thing about guest posting for Famous Bloggers is the community. This blog has by far one of the strongest community feeling I have ever seen in multi-authored blogs. The feedback you get from your posts is awesome – the bloggers are deeply involved in the conversations. Hesham cares about his readers, and that’s why they care about the blog. Guest posting for Famous Bloggers is like sharing a story with your family 😉
Cool ? Came straight from the heart !
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Nasrul Hanis
He is a part-time blogger who loves blogging and meet new friends all over the world. Narsul runs few niche blogs on blogging matters including BloggerDaily and GuestPostingTips.
Twitter: @aloneinhome
Guest posting for FamousBloggers is so special that I posted more than once because FamousBloggers has a great community which I can improve my reputation as my blog’s too! Plus it is a great thing to have a friendly administration system at FamousBloggers where you will be treated professionally as a blogger. Writing for FamousBloggers is awesome and I consider FamousBloggers as a nice kickstart for myself and other bloggers to improve performance as well as getting new friends and readers online!
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Justin Germino
Known as the Dragon Blogger, he is a Technology and Entertainment blogger who focuses on sharing information related to Technology Reviews, Gadgets, Internet, SEO, Social Media and anything else he pick up. His passion is blogging and he enjoy sharing what he have learned with my readers. More about Justin Germino in his personal blog.
Twitter: @dragonblogger
Famous Bloggers is an outstanding resource for people in the online marketing, blogging or social media communities. I feel that by contributing to this site I am only helping expand the reach and readership in some small way. I feel more like a part of the network of bloggers instead of a “lone blogger” when contributing to a portal with other contributors and I tend to be more interactive. is also one of the blogs I comment on and read other comments more frequently than other blogs.
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Ann Smarty
An experienced blogger, search geek and a social media enthusiast. If you are serious about blogging, be sure to join Ann’s community of guest bloggers My Blog Guest: there you will find bloggers for your site as well as guest posting opportunities to promote yourself.
Twitter: @seosmarty
I enjoy guest blogging for Famous Bloggers because of the active community it relies on. All the blog posts get plenty of comments and you feel you are “discussing” the topic with people rather than talking one-way. It is hard to find such active and encouraging people around one blog.
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Thank you
I would like to thank everybody on the list and those who will join us soon! and I want to ask the same question to all our guest bloggers hopefully we can hear their truly voices, what makes it special to write and publish your articles on!
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