Probably one of the most common reasons I have left a web page before I found the content I was seeking is because of those pop-up advertisements that will not go away
The 10 Questions To Ask To Stay Happy
I’m often asked the very same question I asked my first coach when I was struggling on what to do with my life. “How do I stay happy, or at least get more connected to what makes me happy?” It’s a simple question but we rapidly lose sight of the answer when reality gets in […]
Bloggers Need to Care About Their Computer Too
If you are a blogger, you most likely have your own computer and work from it daily. This means that you will definitely need to be caring for your computer to ensure that it stays in working order at all times. Today, I’m going to cover some simple routine maintenance and prevention strategies so you […]
A Message to Bloggers Who Always Give Back to The Community
I never thought there was “Me” or “I”! I never thought I did it alone, and I will never forgot those who helped and supported me all the way up to blogging! Each one of them has a story, a nice story. Together, we worked hard to build a magnificent blog community to share our ideas […]
My Readers and I We Do Stuff
Today is a weekend as you all know, and I was actually not planning to post anything or update the blog with a new guest post this weekend, I am kind of needing to relax for couple of days as I have some health problem since yesterday (Don’t worry it’s nothing serious, really!). And while I […]
When was the Last Time you Helped a Blogger?
A question came into my mind today while thinking of our blogging community, and how we could support each other for real, and what I mean by “for real” is not by tweeting your blog post or adding a comment here or a vote there, I am talking about real support by solving a problem. […]