My Readers and I We Do Stuff

Today is a weekend as you all know, and I was actually not planning to post anything or update the blog with a new guest post this weekend, I am kind of needing to relax for couple of days as I have some health problem since yesterday (Don’t worry it’s nothing serious, really!).
And while I can not be behind my laptop for longer times, and also because I can not be away from it for longer times, I decided to watch some YourTube videos and hear some audio interviews about blogging, social media, marketing and some other stuff!
I came across an interesting interview, Srini the host and co-founder of BlogcastFM interviewed Dave Doolin of Web Site in A Weekend.
There is too much in this interview to learn about blogging, how to publish your posts, SEO, tips on guest posting, teaming up with other bloggers and much much more, it’s really smart interview!
My Readers and I are doing Stuff!
The most interesting thing in this interview for me is when Dave said “My Readers and I are doing Stuff!”, Alright! that’s interesting, I mean what stuff Dave is doing with his blog readers?!
I must mention Dave’s Blog Post Engineering E-book, I know Dave and we are connected some how doing stuff 🙂
I bought the Blog Post Engineering E-book because I like to award my fellow bloggers who really work hard and give high value, although I am not done with the E-book yet, so probably I will write my review as soon as I finish reading it, but I must say it’s just awesome!
Take a look to the Blog Post Engineering E-book here!
And by the way, Dave has redesigned Web Site in A Weekend blog, in case you would like to say nice design, hi and bye and this kind of stuff, head over the blog!
The guys over BlogcastFM are so cool, they are doing great work, so don’t stop on Dave’s interview, make sure to spend some extra time, add value to your experience by exploring their site and hearing some other interesting interviews. I like to play the audio while I am working, maybe it’s not your best way, but I am sure you will find your own way to enjoy it!
Here is the link of the interview: Dave Doolin on The Right Way to Publish Your Blog Post
After you hear the interview, I would appreciate if you tell me what kind of stuff you are doing with your readers?!
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