The creation of my “philosophy of success” for any online or offline business encompasses the experience, expertise, and influence that I have gained as an internet entrepreneur and a guest speaker at various business seminars and events around the world. My business background has opened doors and created many opportunities for me to meet, interview, […]
7 Hidden Money Pockets Lying Dormant In Your Business
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how many of us focus exclusively on increasing our traffic vs. optimizing our existing traffic. So, I’ve decided to write an article outlining 7 hidden money pockets lying dormant in almost every online business. Simple tweaks that can multiply your profits without generating any extra traffic… 1. Collect […]
The Smart Business Guide to Winning New Work
“If you are in business, then first and foremost you are a salesperson. Only after that are you a designer, writer, or whatever else it is you are doing. Selling comes before that.” Pawel Grabowski started his book with this very interesting sentence that I’ve shared with you above! He simply succeeded to get my full attention […]
The Mindset Of A Successful Blogger: Do You Have It?
I haven’t researched on any statistics here lately but from what I have seen and experienced, the biggest challenge we bloggers face today is to keep a healthy balance between blogging, work and family time. If you work full time besides what you do online or go to school, have family responsibilities; the time and […]
How Complaints Can Make You Rich
As an entrepreneur, you might have found yourself in a situation where you hear people complain bitterly about products or services rendered to them to the extent that they give out suggestions on what they think the producer or supplier of that particular good or services should do to improve them. Some entrepreneurs don’t realize […]
8 Steps to Boost Audience Engagement – The Social and Engaging Blog
Do you ever wonder why some blogs are widely successful, attract a massive following, and magnetize reader comments, while other blogs resound in the sound of their own silence? I’ve been on a personal quest to understand the secrets of successful bloggers, because, face it, the more traffic your blog gets, the more influence you […]