How Complaints Can Make You Rich

As an entrepreneur, you might have found yourself in a situation where you hear people complain bitterly about products or services rendered to them to the extent that they give out suggestions on what they think the producer or supplier of that particular good or services should do to improve them.
Some entrepreneurs don’t realize or don’t feel it’s necessary to give a second thought on the issues being raised by those complaining, and thus, they miss the wonderful opportunity of creating a solution that would solve a serious problem that is causing sleepless nights to their customers.
Over the years, customer’s complaints, when seen as a source of business ideas, had been a great source of income to the entrepreneur that frequently scanned his/her environment to look for problems to solved.
For example, if you are a vigilant entrepreneur that creates web application solutions in your company and you visit a store to shop for some items and experinced a problem, would you be smart enough to draw the store’s manager attention to the issue? You should, because it would also reduce the waiting time you experience when you visit the shop.
There are other sources of good business ideas. To be successful in generating or finding one, an entrepreneur needs to keep his/her mind and eyes open and be alert to opportunities. It is also good to note that an idea, however good, is only a tool at the end of the day, since it still needs to be developed and transformed into a viable business opportunity.

Other sources of good business ideas include but are not limited to:
- Hobbies and Interest
- Personal skills and experience
- Franchise
- Mass media (newspapers, magazines, TV, internet etc)
- Exhibitions
- Surveys
- Brainstorming
- Creativity
I’ll like you all to share your views and also list how you generated your business ideas so we can all learn form it.
Thanks for reading!
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