It’s hard to believe media has almost completely taken over our entire lives. But it’s true. Everywhere we go, whatever we do, media’s influence has taken its place, in some form or another. Well, unless you’re sleeping, which is besides the point. The amount of media consumption I’ve been able to intake, has got me […]
Auto Generate Thumbnails from the First Image in Content – Thesis Theme
If you are a Thesis Theme user, then I assume you already know that Thesis has two ways to generate or display images on your blog, the post thumbnails and post image. Once you upload and image using the WordPress media uploader, and add the image URL to the post thumbnails/image field, Thesis will crop and […]
How Google Changed the Way We Think and Remember [infographic]
I have been wondering for long time, how Google -the most powerful search engine on the planet- helped us to find the information we are looking for without having to remember where we found it the first time, or have to store it any where on our computer, or forced to take a single note […]
Integrate CommentLuv’s TwitterLink into Thesis Theme
I thought it would be cool to share this with Thesis Theme users, especially that we are getting ready for CommentLuv Premium plugin, which will be released for the public next week. The new plugin is a super joint of 8 different plugins, one of them is the TwitterLink plugin. Some of my friends who […]
Email Marketing in the Eyes of Teens [Inforgraphic]
I received an email from Aweber today, they are sharing a new infographic on their blog what do teens really think of email and trying to answer the popular question: “Is email dead?”, this question comes up a lot, and people had to argue all the time about it, especially that many other ways of online marketing are […]
1996 vs. 2011 – The Internet, Yesterday & Today [Infographic]
When the Internet first put pages online, I was only 10. I don’t remember much, considering I was pretty poor and could not afford to have the Internet. It’s amazing to see how far along we’ve come. This infographic by Online University provides a past and present view just how far we’ve come in terms […]