I’ve introduced the BlogSkin for Thesis Theme back in 31st of Dec 2010 with a simple to use option page with a promise to put more development into it, and this is exactly what happened in the last 8 months of the life of this skin, it went through many development phases, and the whole options page has […]
Recession Proof – 10 Hot Careers [Infographic]
The US job market is tough. In fact, several of my friends who graduated with outstanding grades and prestigious degrees, are working $10/hr jobs at some random company. Strange, isn’t it? It seems as though the recession is going to stick around for a while. With the US economy at one of its lowest points, […]
How Many People use IE6 and Why
I am a simple guy who became a web designer and developer. I am a normal guy who tries to live in peace and make a living from what I do, why I have to suffer because something called IE6 exists? The reason why I am writing this blog post is it happened that I […]
How We Talk to Computers [Infographic]
The advancements in speech recognition have come a long ways. The thought of being able to control machines or activate commands using voice control are already here. What could technology possibly have in store for us? Could we one day wake up and suddenly control machines to do our everyday chores and run errands? I’d […]
Launching the Thesis Product Skin!
Hi everyone, it has been an awesome experience since I started to develop Skins for Thesis Theme, I wanted to let you know about the new skin launch, I call it the Thesis Product Skin, which is basically developed to serve internet marketers and make their lives more easier, no matter what niche they are […]
The most Successful and Famous eCommerce Geeks of Today’s World [Infographic]
We all know how the internet changed our lives and the way we used to do business. Many Marketers became internet marketers, and thanks to the eCommerce revolution, we now can buy many of the stuff we need without having to go to the store, and this means we also can sell many products on […]