You see, we -as bloggers, internet marketers, and online business owners- work real hard to keep our content rank on the web, and one of the most annoying things is to lose your site ranking for any reason, whither it was by mistake or something naturally happen (for example: Google algorithm changes), it even can […]
How to Increase Traffic with Social Bookmarking Sites
A bookmark is simply defined as a locally stored URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). Nowadays, people who are regular web users share interesting links with others resulting in social bookmarking. Web browsers like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox allow users to save their links or web pages as favorites or bookmarks online. Social bookmarking enables users […]
Why Article Marketing Is Still One of the Quickest, Easiest Ways to Get on the First Page of Google
I’ve been a freelance writer for years – since 1993. My business has grown over the years from just writing for clients to: (i) writing for myself (I’ve self-published over 50 ebooks); affiliate marketing; and developing freelance writing e-course and seminars. The main method I use to promote all of my income streams is article marketing. […]
3 Proven Ways For Getting Free Traffic To Your Blog
It is no doubt that web traffic is the backbone of any blog, without traffic, it is impossible for a blog to survive. If a blog lacks traffic, the blogger will someday get tired and weary of the blog and eventually shut it down. The issue of getting traffic to a blog is not an […]
Increase Blog Traffic With These Four Free Techniques
Do you ever feel like you’re diligently working away on your blog producing the best content you possibly can but getting – at best – a meagre return for your effort? That article you slaved over for hours on end leads to a tiny pinprick of traffic in your stats but not the deluge you […]
Gaining Web Traffic – a Changed Game?
When I began getting serious in this game about two years ago, things were very different. Comparing today and then is like comparing night and day… water and fire… John Lennon and Paul McCartney… You get the picture. They may have their similarities, but in reality, they’re entirely different entities. It was a lot easier […]