Can Fake Traffic Damage Search Rankings? What About Business Reputation?

You see, we -as bloggers, internet marketers, and online business owners- work real hard to keep our content rank on the web, and one of the most annoying things is to lose your site ranking for any reason, whither it was by mistake or something naturally happen (for example: Google algorithm changes), it even can get worse when someone attack your site by a fake traffic hit.
I won’t go through more details on what is fake traffic and how it can hurt your blog, you can see my past post in this topic to get the whole idea:
Read the Fake traffic post.
I will show you some interesting stats from the past year so you can see what I’ve dealt with, and let your imagination tells you where I would be if I allow fake traffic on my website, and what I did to eliminate fake traffic.
So, keep reading!
Can Fake Traffic Damage Search Rankings?
The answer -to be honest- is: I don’t know!
I won’t wait till I lose my site ranking, I won’t experiment fake traffic on my site. I won’t gamble on my site ranking to proof anything to you, really. But, I would pay more attention to my blog stats (you should do too), and I will try to protect my blog, thus prevent the problem before it happen.
Trust on this, what you are looking for here is your business reputation, not your search rankings, so let’s stick with the more important things first, then deal with the rest.
What About Business Reputation?
I care about my business reputation, I can’t afford losing it for any reason.
That’s why I got in touch with the folks at BuySellAds when I knew they’ve enabled CPM ads model on the other day, I had to explain the jump in traffic (which was fake) and explained to them why I won’t be selling ads based on that traffic.
I did that to protect my business reputation.
I mean, who would like to buy an ad on my website if they won’t get any clicks or real impressions? it’s not good to sell ads based on fake traffic and expose myself to have issues and lose trust of my advertisers.
One year of dealing with Fake Traffic
Here is some fake traffic stats that should be interesting.
Let’s start first with Google Analytics stats starting from 1 Jan 2012 till today 25 Nov. 2012, almost 11 months.
We are looking here at: 1,5000,000+ Fake Hits
Note: Click on the image to enlarge in a new browser window.
This data showing fake web traffic that has been taking off FamousBloggers, we’ve directed this IE traffic to a page outside of the bog (it’s even hosted on another web server) so we can measure it.
Also, here is some other break down charts for year and months via the site that I’ve used to collect fake page views and visits, I’ve used that service because it provide real time data and present it in several different ways and graphs.
Year of Fake Traffic Stats
As you can see in the graph above, the average fake hits was 27 hits at the same time, and the max was 348 fake hits on site at the same time.
One Month of Fake Traffic Stats
Now, that’s a 30 days slice of the graph showing the latest fake traffic hits in November till the day 25th:
This really hurts!
Protect Your WordPress Site from Fake Traffic
Now, let’s talk about protection!
After many hours of testing during the past 11 months, we put together a special algorithm to deal with such fake traffic in a form of a premium WordPress plugin, we call it the FTBlaster (Fake Traffic Blaster). And thanks to this plugin, we could protect FamousBloggers from this continues hit, fake traffic is no longer an issue!
We also did a graph to display Real-Time Fake Traffic Statistics from our network of blogs (blogs that runs our plugin), so we can grab some useful information to share it with the world.
Click To View Real-Time Fake Traffic Stats
Start protecting your blog today
Now, that you see how this is harmful, you can start protecting your blog today by running the FTBlaster Premium plugin and configure it for max protection against fake traffic.
Take advantage of FTBlaster limited time discount and protect your websites now!
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