There’s nothing worse than a vacant blog. You put your blood sweat and tears into your content, follow every quality guideline you can find, and yet the traffic seems to trickle in and bounce away. Clicking the “publish” button shouldn’t feel like you’re just clicking “preview”. Here’s how you can be sure to get some […]
How A Brand New Blog Brings In 3000 Unique Visitors A Week From Search Engines
Starting a new blog is definitely a daunting task, especially if you are running one or two other blogs already. When I saw an untapped subject for a for a brand new blog recently, I wanted to jump aboard, but I knew that my workload over on my electronic music blog and Sparring Mind was […]
The 3 Best Ways To Generate Blog Traffic That Converts
Blog traffic. Everybody wants it, few ever generate enough of it to make their blog successful. What if I told you that, in reality, you don’t need heaps and heaps of traffic in order to have a successful blog? That’s right. You just need the right traffic. The kind of traffic that is likely to stick around and […]
5 ways to Get New Clients Excited About SEO
There’s no business like new business. It’s exciting for us SEOers to get a new client ready to invest in their brand and company through internet marketing services. Getting a new client that hasn’t had any prior SEO is like a sculptor getting a brick of clay. You understand the potential and what you can […]
10 Ways to Use Google+ For Promoting Your Blog
Google+ recently reached a staggering 25 million users, a feat that took Facebook and Twitter more than two years to accomplish. As bloggers, we couldn’t help but think of how we can use it as a channel to promote our blog posts. We’ll discuss how to do just that in this post. 1. Content is […]
Niche Vocabulary – Why Poor Content Can’t Hide in Google
Google can spot bad content a mile off and consign it to the supplemental index, but there is a simple solution to making sure big G sit up and take note – use your niche vocabulary. When an expert in any field writes an article, there is a certain vocabulary associated with the topic of […]