3 Proven Ways For Getting Free Traffic To Your Blog

It is no doubt that web traffic is the backbone of any blog, without traffic, it is impossible for a blog to survive. If a blog lacks traffic, the blogger will someday get tired and weary of the blog and eventually shut it down. The issue of getting traffic to a blog is not an overnight thing, but with dedication and hard work, you can build a blog with good traffic strategy.
There are various methods and ways by which you can get traffic to your blog, but I will be sharing with you 3 ways of getting free traffic to your blog. I have been getting traffic to my blogs by using these methods.
These methods are quite easy, but they will require time and hard work.
# 1. Write SEO Friendly Articles
Search engines traffic is the best source of traffic any blogger can have, because lots of internet users rely solely on search engines for getting the information they seek online. If your blog is loved by the search engines, you will surely enjoy the pleasure of targeted free traffic.
For you to get traffic from search engines (the best source of free traffic) you need to learn the art of creating search engine optimized articles. Search engine optimized articles are simply articles that are written around certain keywords and they are written solely to get good rankings in search engines.
When creating SEO contents, you should look for keywords with low competitions and Long tail keywords with little or no competition and write articles around these keywords; the main reason for doing this is because it will be easier for your blog to rank high on search engines for these keywords and you in turn get lots of traffic from search engines.
A good free tool for doing keyword research is the Google Adwords Keyword tool.
You Should Check out this post – Keyword Research for Beginners Using Google Keyword Tool.
# 2. Social Networking Sites
Social networking sites are the rave of the moment with millions of people jumping aboard these social networking sites. Social networking sites (especially Facebook) have been a good source of traffic for me over the recent years.
Social Networking sites such as Facebook has over 900 million active users, Twitter has over 500 million users, Google+ has about 200 million users and LinkedIn has over 130 million users. As you can see, these sites are popular and they have so many users from all around the world and this makes them a good source of traffic generation for bloggers.
To get traffic from these social networking sites, you need to connect with like-minded people and also category of people that you know will be interested in what you write about. For example, if you blog on “Writing” you should join various writing groups on Facebook and LinkedIn and also add fellow group members as friends on these social networking sites.
This will help you get your content in front of people that have an interest in what you are offering.
If you are using twitter for traffic generation, you should not forget to always use the hash tag for important keywords in your tweet, this will help your content be seen by people who are interested in what you share.
# 3. Use Social Sharing Communities
Social networking sites are not the only place to get free traffic to your blog, you can always get much more traffic from social bookmarking/sharing communities. Lots of bloggers including me, gets lots of traffic from social bookmarking sites like Digg, Stumble Upon and Reddit.
I have learnt not to look down on these social sharing sites since the day I got almost 1,000 visitors to one of my post from one of these sites.
If you have been neglecting social bookmarking sites before, I implore you to have a rethink about them, they may be that particular thing you need to skyrocket your blog traffic. Join the major social sharing sites like: Digg, Stumble upon, and Reddit and make sure that you bookmark your posts on these sites as soon as you hit the publish button and am I sure you will get a handful of new visitors.
These are the 3 ways I have been getting free traffic to my blog, try them out, and I hope they work well for you. Do you have any other free traffic tips? Kindly share it with us in the comment section.
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