A bookmark is simply defined as a locally stored URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). Nowadays, people who are regular web users share interesting links with others resulting in social bookmarking. Web browsers like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox allow users to save their links or web pages as favorites or bookmarks online. Social bookmarking enables users […]
How to Raise Funds Through Crowd Funding Platforms
Crowd funding is the latest platform for people to raise money for setting up a business or charity or for medical expenditure. This newest source of money pushes behind some of the traditional sources like family and friends, venture capital and business angels. Plenty of online funding websites have sprung up after the Jobs Act […]
Why You Should Checkout Sites like @Flippa
When we make a list of ways in which we can make money online, flipping websites is one of the promising ways other than advertising. Flipping websites is a profitable business as it gives you a huge lump sum amount sufficient for a lifetime. If you have a website and would like to flip, head […]