Tweet Like A SuperStar!

Microblogging with twitter is easy, but before you saddle up with the twitterati, I have put together a collection of tips for you! Remember at all times that Twitter is a two-way relationship: I try to reply to at least a few messages each day. If my followers can find a few seconds for me, I can find a few seconds for them.
The first thing that Twitter users look for is valuable information. Post something recent that would boost up the urgency. Increase your influence by posting useful content. If you post something useful, you can be sure other people to Retweet. The rest is simple – the more people retweet it, the more people will see your name. This will allow a lot of people to see your name and you will indirectly get more followers.
Twitter is a powerful communications medium, but it becomes useless if we just send out Tweets advertising useless information and ridiculous links. People will not look for our Tweets if they know that every one is just another ad. A handful of tweeters are notorious for tweeting the same adverts over and over again. They get around twitter’s restrictions by slightly changing wording and URLS. Remember: people are following YOU because they’re interested in YOU. Let followers know when something of note is coming up!
Pick out a Great “HAT”
Choose the very best twitter name / handle /hat that you can possibly come up with! It will become part of your customized Twitter URL such as or Doing this creates a static address for future search indexing, which also helps usability for other cross-channel promotions (like showing off your blog). Keep your twitter ID short and sweet so it’ll be easily tweetable and re-tweetable!
Pimp your BIO
Optimize your Twitter Bio so it includes the most important, mission-critical phrases for you and your blog or website. Take advantage of all 160 characters! (They give you 20 more characters than a normal tweet.) Your bio is consistently indexed so its contents are what provide your Twitter page with its core relevance.
Twitter has proven to be a significant traffic driver for bloggers and others using the space to share links. If you do share links, use one of the many URL shorteners available (TinyURL and are two common shorteners). I try whenever possible to use the, as it tracks click-throughs for the specific links you share on the platform. even has the power to track links in aggregate. For example, if multiple URLs were created and shared by separate users, all leading back to the same URL, the service can track and report click-throughs for all of them in aggregate. also tracks clicks over time, so you can see when people are clicking your links most.
Brainstorm up more ways to build the link reputation of your twitter social web address. Integrate your Twitter URL into your blog whenever possible (check my sidebar)! You could also integrate your Twitter URL within your site’s header or footer, helping drive your Twitter URL up in the search engines.
Title your Tweets with Care
[The first characters of your tweet may have the most impact on its future SEO value.]
Wherever possible, start your tweet with a primary keyword phrase to theme each message. Take advantage of any “active lingo” or buzz words as this will enable you to capitalize on timely searches on those terms. The “lead-in” of each tweet is important for SEO as it will determine what appears in the tweet’s title tag when it shows up as a search result on Google. Approximately 42 characters are factored into each tweet’s title tag, including the account name, as well as the initial characters of each tweet. Keep in mind that your full tweet and all its characters are still being indexed by major engines!
Add a Retweet or “Tweet this” Button to your Blog posts
I see this a lot today. It’s probably more popular than the old “trackback” feature was back in ’05! This allows readers to share your articles through retweets!
Avoid “TWEETASTROPHE” ::: Optimize Retweetabilitly
Make sure your tweet’s character limits allow for optimal “retweetability” If you want a message to proliferate on Twitter, keep it under 120 characters, counting spaces so that your followers can easily add RT @YourHandle in front of the tweet.
COMMAND ATTENTION (via #hashtags, words and phrases)
99% of the time whenever I post a new entry on my blog, I tweet it with the word “BLOG!” in front. Sometimes I make use of #hashatgs to call attention to a particular post or to classify or otherwise identify it. Some tweeters like to place brackets “[]” around keywords. Brackets make your tweet stand out and allow others to find your tweet and quickly determine whether it’s something they may be interested in. And, while thinking about BLOGS:
Time your Tweets
There’s a bit of disagreement over what days or hours of the day are best. The digital world is 24/7. For me, the optimal times are between 7 and 10 – that’s PM or AM. Remember, when it’s 7am in New York, it’s 7pm (or close to it) on the other side of the world. Tweet at times when the most number of people on the planet are likely to be awake.
Image credit: tweet
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