When I first discovered there were APIs that would allow me to schedule tweets, I thought I was in Twitter Heaven. I could schedule a time to tweet everything I wanted ahead time, and I’d never have to worry about missing an opportunity to promote my site. (I can admit that I was still naive […]
How To Get More Twitter Followers
Twitter, as the newest popular addition to this group of sites, has become particularly important for those who work in e-commerce or internet marketing professions. To many in the advertising business, it represents an easy, cheap, and effective way to reach a massive audience. Read on to learn the best ways to create a huge group of followers on Twitter for any business purpose you can imagine.
GoDaddy is a Great Example of how Big Companies Fail to use Social Media
ome people like GoDaddy, and some others think that Godaddy is their worst nightmare. You can discover the truth by your self just by searching Twitter, use #godaddy to know what people say about their service, and yeah I remember now the @GoDaddyGuy thing, and I am wondering why creating such account, why using this guy? ah! I got it now.. this is the GoDaddy bodyguard who do the fight stuff and tweet about GoDaddy girls photos and news, and of course some help for the hosting clients wont hurt.
How to Thank Each Other for Tweeting and Retweeting
At the beginning I was feeling great when I receive a thank you tweet, but after some time, I started not to like it that much, specially when the person who thank me disappear after that and didn’t tweet or retweet my own links, it actually piss me off when someone hit the button on Twitter Widget and tweet something like “I’m on your site! via TwitterRemote”! I mean where is the creativity on that?!
How PageRank Flows from Twitter and Facebook in Google web search rankings
I recommend you follow @googlewmc on Twitter so when new webmaster videos come out you will be be the first to know