Many of us, bloggers and internet marketers, realize the great opportunity in doing online business. I think there are people who still don’t get it till now, but the economy is falling allover the world, and there must be a way to fix that, at lease on a personal level. those who’ve realized the opportunity can’t afford to ignore how much money they can […]
EBook Marketing – How Giving Away Your Giveaway Can Jumpstart a Stale
For many bloggers who write an eBook for the first time, their marketing strategy is likely to be none at all. Therefore, what they usually do is write articles, write guest posts, comment on related blogs, and so on. Internet marketers are competitive, and some think that working with other marketers in the same niche is […]
How I Made Almost One Million Dollars
I got into thinking about ‘making money online‘ about 7 years ago. That’s when I had zero assets online and I was starting from scratch. Of course, I had no idea at that time that I would make close to a cool million. Anyhow, after browsing and looking around, I decided to give Forex Trading a go. It […]
Do You Know These 5 ‘Article Marketing’ Danger Signals?
So, what is article marketing? Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam probably explains it best in a recent video “…you’re writing an article and you try to include a link at the bottom and you’re hoping a bunch of other people put up copies or mirrors or duplicates of that article and that those links […]
What NOT to Do in Blog Commenting
“1 New Comment.” That line is one of the most exciting things a blogger can read and can make his day. It shows that someone out there is actually reading his blog, and taking some time off to comment on his article. It is like a gold star on the workbook of a preschooler, applause […]
Why You Should Optimize Your Blog for Mobile Phones [Infographic]
People usually does not always rely on desktop or laptop to use internet. Many of them now access internet through mobile phones and smart phones for socializing, shopping, checking out weather etc. I also use to check various blogs especially those which are optimized for cell phones like FamousBloggers, HellBoundBloggers etc through my iPod touch […]