Famous Bloggers Rock and Roll on Blog Engage

It’s a very busy month for all of us, I wish you all a happy Christmas, and I thank all the participants on our Best of the Best Famous Bloggers Contest so far, they are doing a great job of writing their articles and promoting them, and I really like all the articles of the contest, and this makes me think the contest idea is a very good one, and these articles worth more than $1200 Dollars to me, and I really don’t know how to thank our contest participants for this informative and excellent articles, but I am going to do my best to find a way to show appreciation.
Our contest participants have succeeded to bring the joy and the smile to Famous Bloggers blog by sharing their awesome articles on our pages, and I am going to share with you some information about our Famous Bloggers blog which is only 2 month old, for me it’s amazing, but I would like to hear your opinion:
- We have published 50 posts and have at this moment 1251 comment on our posts!
- Alexa Rank is 76,688 (plz review us on Alexa)
- 354 Fans on Facebook
- 351 Followers on Twitter @FamousBloggers
- Google PR is of course a big zero 😉
And here is a screen shot from our Google analytics dashboard just to show you what’s going on so far this month! Of course our best traffic source till now is BlogEngage Community, so don’t miss this opportunity and if you are not already a member then join BlogEngage now and start promoting your posts and get to know awesome people.
It’s not only one Contest everybody!
Maybe you know that we have another contest running at the same time with the Best of the Best contest, it’s our Famous Commenter Contest, and as we promised we will give away $30 via PayPal and a free one year ElegantThemes membership to enjoy its beautiful WordPress themes. WE have time still, there 10 more days left to end the year and the contest, so if you have a useful comment add it to our posts, and if you add value to our Famous Bloggers posts you may be the winner of our contest.
1500 posts or 1500 readers?
If you didn’t read our contest articles, I am going to mention it for you here so you make take a look, just remember that we don’t have too much articles on Famous Bloggers blog yet, we have only 50 posts till now but it doesn’t matter how many posts we have, but the important thing is how much value on our posts and how many people read them and get benefit of them!
- 9 Benefits from Leaving Comments while BlogWalking
- 5 Tips on How to Convert Your Visitors into Loyal Readers
- Make Money Online the Way You Want
- 4 Traffic building Tips for your Blog
- How to Get a Logo for Free?
- 13 Essential On-Page SEO Tips for Blogs
- Don’t Abandon Your Posts Once Published
So, who you think is going to win our Best of the Best contest?
It depends on you, add a comment on post you like most, be sure it’s a useful comment and add a value or a personal experience of yours, retweet it and Blog Engage it 😉 and remember it’s not too late to give your best article and participate on our Best of the Best Famous Bloggers Contest
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