5 Tips on How to Convert Your Visitors into Loyal Readers

Lets say, today you got hundred new visitors! But…… will they visit your blog again? Will they spread the word about your blog to their friends? Will they bookmark the blog? The BIG question… Will they become loyal readers of your blog? These are some important problem that you must know as a blogger.
There is a big difference between a normal ‘visitor’ and a ‘loyal reader’. A visitor comes to the site hoping that he will find something interesting… If he didn’t find anything, he becomes just a visitor’ and will not return! But if he finds what he want, or something better than that, he will not only return to the blog but also spread the word about your blog to everyone he knows. But unfortunately, for most of us, only about 10% of the visitors become loyal readers. Now its time to change these percentages… Lets see how to do this….
The visitor comes to your site…
1) Show him that you have more than what he reads by giving a related posts list
People are lazy, we think that when they come to our site they spend their time to go through all our posts. This is completely wrong, most of them only read the page that they landed and then leaves. What we need to do is show them, in that same page that we have more posts which are waiting to be read by them. Go through your articles and find the articles which are related to the post you are writing and list those articles at the end of the post.
The visitor finds what he wants and he wants to say thank you or want some more…
2) The visitor comments on your blog. Reply to his comment and give him some more info
If some one says Hi what will you say? What will happen if you say Bye? Same thing here…. if some one comments on your posts, reply to that comment and say ‘thanks’ or if he asks a question, try to do your best to solve his problem. If that person is a blogger, don’t forget to return the favor by commenting on his blog!
3) E-mail a reader and say ‘thanks’
When some one comment on your blog, try to thank him by sending an e-mail. There are lots of tools around there which will do this thanking automatically… but its better to do it your self and be personal! With that letter ask the person to subscribe to your blog and send the link to your feeds.
The visitor is impressed. Now he wants to stay in-touch with the blog
4) Give your visitor several means to subscribe to your blog
Even-though some people like your blog, they forget to come back… so we need to give them some options which they can stay in touch with the site. To do this we can use services like feedburner and twitter. Feed burner provides a great number of options for your subscribers including e-mail subscriptions.
5) That’s not all! The fifth tip, is your tip…. Feel free to tell us your own way to get more loyal readers!
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