9 Benefits From Leaving Comments while BlogWalking

Comments are the most important thing for a blog, it’s link the wood for the fire, it makes the blog more interactive and full of life. I love to receive comments from my visitors, and I think every bloggers too. Except the spam problem that everybody hates, there’s so many benefits from leaving comments to others blogs. I read so many articles on blogging tips, one of the popular tip for beginners is leaving comments.
Leaving comments on other blogs has several benefits especially for beginners, but these activities need more time. We need spend our time to blogwalking and leaving comments. I’m assuming you are already joined blogger communities where you can find interesting blogs, on these communities we can start blogwalking together and leaving comments.
Here are the benefits from leaving comments:
1. Get Traffic
Blog owner will visit back and leave comment on your blog. If your comment is interesting, other visitors will come to visit to looking for who’s behind the comment.
2. More exposure and visibility.
This day people using Gravatar, leaving comments on others blogs means you leave your Gravatar, it could be your personal photo or your logo. More comments on various blogs will make people familiar with you, its part of your branding.
3. Build and Expand Links Popularity
Almost on every blogs or article I read, I found that link is important to our blog rank. Leaving comments means we left our links in other people blog, look for dofollow blogs. So you get your link as much as you left comments. This is a great way to get your back links from other blogs and it’s free.
Build a lot of links contribution large meaning success for your blog. Credibility of your blog can be measured by who is linked to it. Calculations of page rank and link popularity on search engines is also based on how many blogs or websites are linking to your blog.
4. Back Link
Left comment on other people blog means we left our URL. So this is a great way to get your free back link. So don’t forget to leave your URL every time you write a comment. I read article that encourage people to leave comment on High PR Blogs and/or dofollow Blogs. they say back links from this blog can help increase our rank.
5. Free Promotion and Marketing.
Some bloggers appreciate their commentators by providing a space for Top Commentators on the sidebar. This is very kind and generous manner from the blog owner to give their commentators free promotion and marketing. There are some plugins and widgets that track and show your latest post every time you leave a comment. So I think it’s great if you leaving comments on other blogs that use CommentLuv plugin for example to leave a link for your last article.
6. Get ideas for writing a new Article.
Sometimes, when visiting other blogs and leaving comments you’ll get a new fresh idea to your next post. Leaving comment means you write your argument, this is how the idea start. Why don’t you create an article from your argument? With your comments, sometime I’ve got a new idea to write, that means a new article 🙂
7. Enrich and Strengthen Keyword in Content.
Leaving comment on someone else blog could actually be utilized to optimize keywords that you use for content or leading directly to a specific post (anchor text). For example, if you write an article about Google AdSense business, then you may fill in Google AdSense business in name field when you write comment on others blogs.
8. Improve Your Writing Skills.
You can learn how to write a short and simple comment, express your opinion directly and clearly while you are commenting on others blogs. Keep your comment related to the topic, you can agree or disagree but you must tell the blog’s owner your arguments. Always be nice.
9. Build Relationship.
Don’t forget, leaving a comment means that you are building your relationship with other bloggers. I have a lot of good friends from this activity, now we have a wonderful relationship, a wonderful friendship!
As always, I try to write tips for beginners here on Famous Bloggers Club. I dedicate this article to my beginner friends, and I encourage my beginners friend to leave comment to others blogs because its benefits. So if you are an expert and came across this post, I need you to share with us your experiences here.
OK guys, that’s all for this time. I hope you enjoy your commenting activities and get all the benefits. Don’t forget to share your experiences about leaving comment with us, it’s really important to become better bloggers. So don’t forget to leave your comment here guys.
This post is part of our Best of the Best Famous Bloggers Contest
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