How to Get a Logo for Free?

One of the hardest but most crucial tasks in building a site or blog is finding a logo. I myself, know from experience its one of the toughest steps to finish. The logo always looks slightly off, misspelled, wrong shade, strange effect and never ending problems. I am sure that you had the same problems with your logo design, so let’s think together for a minute about it.
Why should you care so much about your logo?
- Defines your site.
- Has the potential to influence whether a visitor is going to stay on your site for more than a few seconds.
How you can procure a logo (pay):
- Hire a professional logo design firm such as Logo Design Guru or The Logo Loft or Elogo Design
- Pay for a logo design contest on HatchWise or Logomyway
- Find a freelancer on Craigslist
These methods can prove to be expensive. Why pay, when there are so many alternatives?
How you can procure a logo (free):
- My favorite, barter your services for a logo from a freelancer. The best place to do so would be on Craigslist
- Download GIMP for free, and learn how to design on your own, if you decide to take it a step further Photoshop is the key
- My least favorite, use a free graphics generator on the web such as Cool Text or Logo Ease
You decide whether you would like to pay for a logo or free. Being an entrepreneur means saving money but also investing when necessary. Just remember you will always have a choice.
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