Starting a new blog is definitely a daunting task, especially if you are running one or two other blogs already. When I saw an untapped subject for a for a brand new blog recently, I wanted to jump aboard, but I knew that my workload over on my electronic music blog and Sparring Mind was […]
How Mobile Platforms and Smart Phones Change the SEO Game
There are no secrets about the new technology trends, mobile is going to out-rank desktop Internet usage in the coming months and years, and stats cannot lie. If you think that mobile search engine optimization is not different than regular SEO you are 50% right. You see, when you optimize your site and its content […]
For Local SEO, Make a Lot of Noise to Rank
As we all know, Google is giving a ton of attention to local businesses by including their local listings in Google’s main search results. This has been a great advantage for small and local businesses to get more visibility in the search engines, but it has also increased competition in local SEO among local businesses […]
WordPress Posts vs Pages and Why Should you use Custom Post Types
While working on the new reviews section, I thought to change the way I publish reviews on the blog, I need another way to sort it. I was thinking to publish reviews as blog pages instead of posts. Why? The main reason is to have more control over page layout, plus having more easy way […]
5 Great Strategies To Scare Away Visitors from your Website
Are you looking to scare away visitors from your website? If so, you’ve found the right article! Let’s take a closer look at some errors you can make that will get your visitors to leave without looking back. 1. Writing copy filled with spelling or grammar errors You can often slip an error or two […]
Link Building for Small Business, A Quick and Practical Strategy
Link building is one of the most time consuming parts of SEO but it remains to be one of the most important factors of having a successful SEO campaign. As a San Diego Based SEO consultant, link building is one of the services I offer to my clients. If you own a small business, I […]