I love niche sites. They are quick and easy to create, rank, at least if you did your homework well, and provide a nice return on investment. Sure, you can’t build a empire on them but that’s OK. There are better ways to achieve that. It’s quite amazing to see the amount of people dipping […]
Future-Proof SEO :: How to Avoid Losing Everything
In his excellent article entitled “Google Kicked Me So Hard I Cried A Little Bit“, Dave B. Ledoux graphically describes what it was like to wake up one morning only to find that he’d wasted three years of his life. Virtually overnight, Google had kicked out 570 of his sites, and took with them, a […]
Answers by SEO Consultant Nick Stamoulis #3
This is the Third part of my SEO series, I hope you’ve enjoyed the first SEO answers post, and thanks again for submitting your great search engine optimization questions, and I hope you will find some useful SEO tips in the answers. → Question #11 Thanks for looking taking questions! My question is on exact match vs. partial match […]
Answers by SEO Consultant Nick Stamoulis #2
This is the second part of my SEO series, I hope you’ve enjoyed the first SEO answers post, and thanks again for submitting your great search engine optimization questions. In this post I am going to answer some of the other questions I’ve got, and will publish the final part soon. → Question #6 Which of the following […]
The Importance of Being Honest as an SEO
Can we agree there are enough shady characters in the SEO world? The SEO community seems to have taken the phrase “No News is Good News” to mean that one can’t get anywhere in SEO without going to the dark side. Protect your customer’s reputation It seems every story sent across my desk about SEO […]
Answers by SEO Consultant Nick Stamoulis #1
Hi everyone, thanks for submitting your great search engine optimization questions. I came up with a huge blog post with all answers, Hesham and I thought to break it into a 3 part post series so we can present it in a better way for the blog readers. So, in this post I am going […]