5 Great Strategies To Scare Away Visitors from your Website

Are you looking to scare away visitors from your website? If so, you’ve found the right article! Let’s take a closer look at some errors you can make that will get your visitors to leave without looking back.
1. Writing copy filled with spelling or grammar errors
You can often slip an error or two by your visitors. Most probably won’t even notice, and those that do are often willing to forgive small errors. Make any more than one or two minor errors, however, and your readers might not be so forgiving.
This rule sounds obvious, but unfortunately, it is broken time and again. If you don’t have confidence in your proofreading ability, find a friend who does or hire some help.
2. You have long, uninterrupted paragraphs filled with information
Online readers are interested in getting their information as fast as possible. People aren’t interested in how well you write. They’re interested in how what you write can help them.
In order to be effective, keep everything in as simple language as possible. Simple language allows you to communicate your message more clearly to a larger audience. Your ability to communicate to your audience will ultimately determine the success of your website.
3. Your copy is self-centered
Many websites fall into this trap. If you find your copy using the words “I” or “we” more than “you,” then there’s a problem.
Remember that your visitors only care about the value your company can provide for them. You may think that your company’s experience, history, and mission are fascinating, but few other people do. What makes your company great is what the general public thinks of it.
4. Listing facts about your products, services, and company
Simply describing the key features of your products, services, or company is not enough. In some cases, this type of copy has its place. However, most often it does not.
If you want your visitors to buy or return again to your website, you’ll have to write better copy. Instead of listing the features, describe the value using your product or service offers to your customers. When your visitors understand how they can benefit, they’ll be much more likely to buy.
5. Avoid keyword stuffing
In the past, using a higher keyword density could significantly increase your site’s rankings. In today’s search engine optimization environment, a keyword density between 1.0-2.0% is all you need. Google is placing increasing emphasis on quality content and decreasing emphasis on following the right SEO formula.
If your visitors can identify your target keyword when reading, then your copy needs revision.
Writing Poor Web Copy is Easy
So now you’ve learned some ways to write poor web copy. Unfortunately, there are about as many ways to write poor web copy as there are people to write it.
But, at least you’ve learned a little more, and now you have a beginning foundation for writing great web copy.
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