Google’s local landscape provides a plethora of places for businesses to set the groundwork for obtaining visibility. Regardless if you are in a large market like a Honda dealership in Miami, Florida or if you are in a narrow market like a frozen yoghurt stand in “small town, USA”, everyone should start their online presence […]
5 Ways Google+ and Google Hangouts Can Benefit You as an Entrepreneur
Start up costs to a business can be high, and if you’re a young entrepreneur lacking the financial backing of a Fortune 500 company, it’s time you turn to all the technology available, particularly the networking services offered through Google, to save money as you build your business. Let’s look at five ways in which […]
Is Google Plus A Ghost Town? [infographic]
There’s been many articles written about how good, bad and indifferent Google+ is compared with other social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. Personally, I thought that Google+ is just a Facebook clone when I first saw it! But UMPF’s favourite debate is the ongoing It’s Really Popular Vs It’s A Ghost Town one, that’s an interesting […]
How Promotional Items Can Lend a Helping Hand in Social Media
Promotional products tend to directly correlate with tradeshows and conventions. Simple giveaways that help companies promote their business and they work extremely effectively. According to a study conducted by The Advertising Specialty Institute in 2010, the cost per impression of a promotional product was $0.005, compared to prime time television which was $0.018, national magazines […]
Big Brother’s Watching You
Targeting advertising to your audience is something that every advertiser or ad server works extremely hard to do. It’s expensive to create and put up ads, so why not make sure that they’re as relevant as possible for their viewers, right? This might make perfect sense on paper, but this philosophy is starting to lead […]
Search, plus Your World … I Knew This Day Will Come!
It’s time to find personal results on Google search! Google announced the new “Search, plus Your World” featured that integrates to its search results. You will only see these results if you are signed in to your Google+ account. I thinks it’s super cool, and I am sure that many people are going to simply […]