Speaking about problems, there is always a solution for every problem. In many cases there is even more than one solution for each problem. People will tell you, find blogging ideas by reading other blogs, find business ideas on social media sites, or take a 15 minutes walk to get inspiration for your coming project. I must […]
Utilizing Online Marketing From a Customer Satisfaction Providing Approach
The only source that generates revenue for the business is the customer. Every business is a customer of another business in one way or another. The satisfaction of a customer has direct impact on the bottom line of a business, the more happy and satisfied a customer, the more revenue will the business generate. The […]
Future of Engagement Episode No. 8: Tom Foremski of the Silicon Valley Watcher
From the beginnings of popular newspapers and widespread literacy to the modern era, media PR professionals spent much of their time developing media contacts and smoothing relations with existing contacts so that they could push articles into print publications. The Internet and social media have lowered barriers of entry since communicating with and networking with […]
Are Internet Marketing Gurus Taking Us for Granted?
Before you even think that this is “another guru bashing post”, let me throw up my hands and swear. No, this is not one of such posts. The thought that the IM gurus have been taking us for granted has been lurking in my mind for so long. I’m not even sure whether I should […]
Why Fake Traffic Sucks and How it Hurts Your Business Blog
If there is a currency for the internet, then it should be Web Traffic. Traffic is the blood of any website or blog, without Traffic, there is no use of having a dead page on the internet. Not all traffic are good, there is also bad traffic, and fake traffic. This post is about the Fake […]
Have You Ever Considered Self-Inducing A Social Media Crisis?
A very thought-provoking question was asked to me recently from an online friend of mine, @allierambles. Allie asked: “Do you ever wonder if companies would intentionally start a negative campaign? I mean it gets people talking and we tend to not forget, like the McDonald’s case. Do you think they would risk that?” (Now, just […]