Why I Feed my Twitter with My List of Most Trusted Bloggers

I am not used to schedule tweets, probably because I am not an automatic thing guy, I prefer to drive manual transmission cars, maybe it’s my own way to feel more control over my car, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have trust in technology! I am also not an old fashion guy, I really love technology and development, but I prefer to take only the best of it.
On this post I am going to tell you about a little social media promotion secret of mine, hopefully this could inspire you to benefit and.. share the benefit.
I use HootSuite to manage my several twitter accounts, every project has it’s own twitter ID, HootSuite has this little awesome feature that allow you to inject RSS feeds to your twitter account, HootSuite will check for feed updates, once it indicates a new blog post, it will automatically tweet it out to your follower through a particular Twitter ID of your choice!
Find out : How to Tweet Blog RSS Feed via HootSuite
I like this feature because I can simple spread the love while I am sleeping or in a vacation, but .. why I would do that? you are just about to know the answer!
I feed my tweet when I know the blogger and trust his blog
And, here is my list of Most Trusted Bloggers
Danny Brown
I came across a very nice post by Danny Brown @dannybrown talking about why Affiliate Marketers piss him off, his post inspired me to write for your today about why I feed my Twitter account with a few of my fellow bloggers RSS blog feeds, so.. (Thank you Danny) Being on Danny’s blog for a while, I can say he is really cool guy, I recommend a visit for his blog, you will automatically follow him from the first visit 🙂
Kristi Hines
My friend Kristi Hines wrote an excellent HootSuite for Blogging and Twitter Management guide for Bloggers at @kikolani blog, it’s a must read for every blogger who seek full control over his Twitter account. I have to mention the other post she published on FB on how to Get Targeted Twitter Followers Fast, it’s a good read!
Francisco Perez
I always miss my good friend Francisco Perez Aka @diTesco who blogs over IBlogzone.com the Online Business Resources blog, and he is one of our team as well here at FB, I must say that he never let me down once since we met and started to work together.
Andrew Rondeau
Andrew Rondeau @andrewrondeau one of the most supportive blogger I ever meet on the internet, I must say that I like to work with him. Go over We Build Your Blog and just ask for advice, Andrew won’t let you down, he will help you for sure. Oh! and he have made a fantastic Income Blogging Guide that is highly recommended.
James Johnston
I also remember how James Johnston support me all the way since we started to know each other, he blog over Evolutionary Designs @element321. I miss our coffee and blogging talk, great moments with such great person. I must say that James’s posts drive a lot of to our FB blog, it’s amazing that he can give his personal opinion about each item when he do a design related blog post. I really love that!
Julius Kuhn-Regnier
Julius is a nice dude, he likes to help other bloggers, he never take time to give his best making money ideas. Julius blog over AndBreak.com, follow him on Twitter @Andbreak, he wrote an awesome guide on Speeding Up WordPress.
Ana Hofman
Ana blog at Traffic Generation Cafe, I knew Ana from Twitter @WebTrafficCafe and her blog, our first meeting was through her guest posts at FB, she is amazing when she writes about Ranking and traffic related topics that interested a lot of our blog readers. She is Awesome!
Francisco Rosales
Francisco @socialmouths is your social media guru indeed, visit his blog over SocialMouths and you will know what I mean, it’s real social mouths lol! I will never forget his 15 Blogs To Follow If You Want To Kick Ass Online, it was super amazing post, generated a lot of traffic to our blog for several weeks – not days- I really admire his work, and I still have no idea how he do it!
Kiesha Easley
My favorite blogger and supporter Kiesha Easley of We Blog Better, mm.. well I must say that Kiesha’s blog good and everything, but not better than our blog haha (naah! just kidding), Kiesha @krenee76 is really amazing person, supportive blogger from the first class. I hope to extend our relationship and be able to work together even more in the future.
Niall Devitt
I meet with Niall Devitt @bloggertone at BizSugar.com when they hosted their recent blogging contest, some how our relationship grow and we follow each other on Twitter and have a nice smooth relationship, I appreciate the Niall is supporting FB on Twitter and BizSugar.com and of course I will not forget that! I am also looking forward to some kind of cooperation in the future. BloggerTone.com is all about business, so make sure to head over there and enjoy some of their community articles.
John Paul
Mmm.. This list can not be regional with out my friend John Paul @JohnAguiar, I think most of you will know John as a nice guy, smart marketer and social media expert, I was lucky with his Twitter Dummy (aff) super e-book, it has amazing information that help you on getting the most of Twitter! John wrote a very nice post recently, I liked this post a lot because he showed respect for the Top and Up Coming ladies bloggers, I consider it a must read post and this is why I am sharing it with you.
Tia Peterson
Tia @bizchickblogs is a very active bloggers, what I like most about her is she never stop developing her BizChickBlogs.com blog, I like people who work hard on their blogs. I have a very good relationship with Tia and I am looking forward to expand this relationship and maybe find some project to work on together.
Ben Lang
I’ve met Ben @epiclaunch over one year ago, He is an excellent model for young entrepreneur. Ben also love to help and support others, this is what I most like in his personality, and this is why I decided to expand our relationship together. I like his Epic Launch blog so much, Ben seems to have great blogging community of active young entrepreneurs, I wish you all a bright future.
Thomas Sinfield
As soon as I meet Tom @standoutblogger through blog comments we became friends, I invited him to judge our blogging contest, Tom has an awesome blog called the Stand out Blogger and it’s true! he is a stand out blogger indeed, he is very smart, you will really like to connect with him.
Mars Dorian
Awesome dude, smart, active, networker and he has a soul of a warrior blogger, 99% of his blog posts -if not 100%- is awesome, he talks about self branding in an interesting way, and I am sure he will make it to the top in no time. I wish you good luck Mars @marsdorian.
That was my most trusted list of Bloggers!
And Yes! I am feeding my Twitter with their blogs RSS feeds, I trust them enough to share with my followers what they are blogging about it every single time they publish a new post -even their blog reviews which could include their own affiliate links- I tweet their everything! I just don’t care, because they are awesome!
Feed your Twitter with Good Stuff!
Twitter Followers love it when you share interesting tweets with them! I mean check our @FamousBloggers account, it’s listed 600+ times, this is really amazing!
Alright! It’s an invitation for you, if you trust our blog, and you know that we publish everyday something useful! probably you are missing some awesome tweets because you are tired of tweeting every day haha! And because it’s bloody awesome content, you really love to share it with your Twitter followers!
So.. why not subscribe and feed your Twitter with our Blog RSS? probably I will do the same if I know you, and trust your content! but hey.. Plz don’t ask for it! you must earn it!
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