Creative Ways to Grab Quality Link to your Website!

From the old school till the modern world of search engine optimization what remains the same is link. Linking or link building is still the essential part of SEO strategies, even today getting link from reputable and relevant websites can boost your website credibility in search engines and you can be in the top 10 listings from the desired keywords.
Internet marketers in general and link builders In particular will agree that getting link from reputable websites need lots of effort and sometimes after everything one turned out getting no link.
In this post I am going to cover some creative ways that can allow you to get some great links for your websites.
Guest Posting
Let’s start with the common first! Guest postings are one the most discussed topic in the search industry and beyond. Everyone have blogs today and there are some great blogs almost in every niche, no matter if you niche is small like home improvement or as big as real estate there are some high quality blogs that may allow you to contribute to their blog as a writer. I personally tried myself by emailing to different blogs most of the blogs usually like other people to help them generating great and informative content that helps users.
Create How to’s!
This is easy and loveable; people love to share if your content is good, informative and reader can get benefit from it. How to guide are normally very useful for visitors and customers and they can easily share this kind of content because more likely they can relate to it. Creating informative how to’s is one of the way to get your visitor engage with the website and also to get some great links from time to time.
Discuss the Myths
Myths usually contains two or more opinions, discussing a myth on the website will on one hand allow visitors to engage with the website and discuss their point of views, and on the other hand will help your website getting some generic links from many different URLs. Discussing the myth, uncover them to bring at the front and allow others to share their views can be one of the fastest yet creative way to get vital links for your website.
Break the Ice
Be an Ice breaker, this is comparatively a difficult job then the above mentions but if you succeed once the result will be worthwhile. To work on this idea one should be active on social media’s like Twitter and create personal contacts to industry journalist and keep an eye on every new change that happened in that particular niche.
Social Media Apps
Why not social media? Just because it’s no-follow? If yes, then think again! Google count social signals as its ranking algorithms. Designing a social media application is without a doubt a powerful ways t o generate links and traffic to the website. Facebook Application is one of the best way to market your business and engage your potential customers with the businesses yet get links.
I took interview with Lisa Barone as my first post on Search Engine Journal and it turned out well. People not only get in and engage but also talked about the interview on other blogs and link the post on so many places. I think Interviews can grab lots of link but you have to be sure that the interview should be of some reputable person from your industry and your questions are very much related to professionalism and not about the person’s personal life.
Make People Smile
I wasn’t knew Jamiat at all, I start reading about him after that incident and one of the very first thing I learn from him was this, make people smile and they will love you back. I posted another post on SEJ and it turned out so well, people not only tweeted the post but also share it on other blogs and newsletters which means some great links.
This is very attractive to me but I always hate doing that, may be because it takes too much of time and boring. Creating surveys required lots of knowledge and stats, the good part is not many people are doing this even most of the time people like linking to the exiting survey instead of creating their own. Surveys can bring some great links on your website.
Info-graphics works faster than surveys and again not much people are doing that so chances are to higher to get some great links within a short span of time. One other reason why people love to link to info-graphics is that they are images that grabs readers eyeball and people find pleasure in reading those.
This works especially if you have a service business but applies to product businesses as well. Freebies, who didn’t like FREE? Give freebies to visitors to your blog or website. This is will not only bring you loyal leads but also give you the link love, people will talk about your FREE services on other blogs and you will get some instant links for free.
These are few of the creative link building techniques I used to get some quick links, I didn’t mention some common link building techniques like Directory Submissions, Article Syndication, blog commenting, Forums and others.
Do you have any creative idea that can bring some great link love for the website? Please share!
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