Best of the Best Famous Bloggers Contest Winners

After a long month of hard work, we pronounce today the winners of our $1200 Best of the Best Famous Bloggers Contest, it was really hard to take some discussions to decide the three winners because as you all know this contest was a mix between (writing and popularity), I personally liked all the articles but the last word was for evaluation, of course numbers of pints was higher before filtering comments, I had added points only to valuable comments as we agreed before that I will study it.
I just want to say that when it’s about competition we are all winners, it was clear to me that the number of points each entry got was very close, so if you was not lucky this time, it doesn’t mean you didn’t do good, and we wish you all the good luck on our next and endless blogging contests, so I am working on another contest for next month and I have a surprise for you, so stay tuned as we will declare it on the first week of the new year, and Happy New Year for everybody!
The Best of the Best winners are:
- Firs place: Latief with total of 89 points prize worth: $625
- Second Place: Antti with total of 80 points prize worth: $335
- Third place: Pubudu with total of 87 points prize worth: $245
The best of the best articles:
- 9 Benefits From Leaving Comments while BlogWalking by latief
- 13 Essential On-Page SEO Tips for Blogs by Antti
- 5 Tips on How to Convert Your Visitors into Loyal Readers by Pubudu
Congratulations, and thanks for the hard work, you made this place a better blog. PLZ, check our contest post to know your prizes, I will be working on delivering all prizes next week. here is a link to our contests section if you would like to read all contest articles.
And special thanks to our sponsors for being kind and provided such great opportunity for us to organize this contest.
Breaking: MMO Social Network beta is out
I will take the chance to let you all know about our new and the first Making Money Online Social Network and Bookmark website that I promised you since a few months back, when we was doing our awesome interviews, and there will be a series of posts about it very soon to guide you through MMO social network, it’s ready as beta version for you to join today, so plz check it out and register an account, add your Google AdSense published id to your account to start making money with together and earn 100% of revenue of your pages, check our categories and start submitting your money making and blogging tips articles. Let’s wish that 2010 is our Money Making Year!
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