You’ve probably heard one or two people say, “the money is in your list.” List? What list? If you don’t have an email list, or if you have one that you don’t promote, then you’re totally missing a chance to gain a loyal following of people who will be interested, excited about and clamoring to read your insights and buy products and services you create or recommend. Do I have your attention now?
Popup Domination WordPress Plugin is an Exciting List Building Experiment
Since the first time I saw it on a blog of one of my friend, I immediately fall in love with it, and told my self “THIS WILL WORK”! I had an exiting experience with the new Popup Domination plugin that speed up the process of list building like magic, I have got my first 9 subscribers in a few […]
How to Build a Rock Solid Brand Using Blog Commenting
One of the most important thing your online business needs is a brand, and funny enough, it does not need just any brand, it needs a rock-solid brand! There are many ways to build a great brand, but this post will be talking about one of the easiest and most effective ways to build a […]
How to Leverage First Time Commenters into Loyal Community Members
First and foremost I’d like to say that the FamousBloggers commenting folder is just a real goldmine. If you haven’t checked that out, I recommend you do so now as you will really find a lot of good information not just in posts, but also with the enormous amount of comments and feedback. Because of […]
Tweepi is Going Premium Twitter Management Tool for Business
I have notice some changes in Tweepi menu yesterday (you must be logged in to see it), and I thought to share with you some information about Tweepi as a great Twitter management tool that I have been using since a few months back to manage my Twitter accounts, my friend Amer the founder of […]
3 Important Skills for a Blog Commentator
Comment Marketing is the most easiest and probably the most effective for Blog Marketing. If you are a blogger you love getting comments as well as posting comments. Commenting is not a very difficult job but if you do a small mistake, your comment is a waste. Only good comments are the ones which receive praise and appreciation. Now […]