Let’s assume you have decided to get your own domain name for your blog. We won’t go into all the reasons why you should make that very small investment – there are plenty such blog posts all over the Internet. Let’s just assume you have already made that decision. What is rarely discussed is what […]
Why Popup Domination is Increasing it’s Price
I was not lucky enough to get a free review copy of Pop-up Domination WordPress plugin, although I was lucky enough to get it for free -I will explain this latter- as it’s a plugin that pay off by several ways! When I first saw and knew about it, I was 100% sure it will […]
Top 5 Ways to Optimize your Internet Marketing Strategy
Many bloggers are transitioning over into internet marketing areas, whether it be affiliate programs, article writing, or paid guest blogging. I am new to guest blogging myself (this is actually my VERY FIRST guest post on any blog), but I will share some of my experiences with marketing from a visitor and search engine optimization […]
Is ElegantThemes Developer License Another Way to Make Money?
ElegantThemes changed it’s price recently, and Nick is keeping impressing us with ElegantThemes news, there is a very short statement on ElegantThemes blog published today, good news for it’s fans, of course mostly designers and developers will find this interesting. ElegantTheme has came up with a Developer Licenses that allows you to use all their themes on any site of […]
40 Plus Reasons Why I Agree with ElegantThemes Increasing its Price
I just notice that Nick Roach of the most affordable theme membership site ElegantThemes increased the price of it’s yearly paid membership to $39 regarding to the world economic crises, just kidding 😉 I wanted to give you more than 40 reason why I agree on doubling ElegentThemes’s price which is -in my opinion- still […]
How To Increase Your Digital Influence
How to increase your circle of influence The power to affect, control or manipulate something or someone. I know you are a good blogger, and that’s why you use these powerful principles to enrich the blogosphere! Whatever you do online, everything leads to practicing influence in one way or another. How do you make your […]