If you do get to the point of you are sitting in front of your computer and you have nothing, not even the title of a blog post, then what should you do, well the first thing you should do is turn your computer off and go and do something else.
This is How Powerful Bloggers Schedule Successful Blogs
Humans are fascinating creatures! They can easily spend thousands of dollars in buying expensive gadgets or beautiful cars even if they struggle with paying their bills at the end of the month. Being this kind of person is not coherent with a successful blogger persona. Intelligent people understand that they should not go beyond what […]
Blogging For Money Beginners Guide #4
How To Write Your Article? Good question. And, while there are numerous suggestions on how to write your articles, there is one important matter which you should consider, and that is the YIN YANG of blogging. Before moving forward, let me give you a brief excerpt of what Yin Yang is: “Something created together in […]
Blog Visitors and Readers, What do you Know About Them
As a blogger, ask yourself these questions below: 1) Where your traffic is coming from? 2) Do you know where your blog visitors are going? 3) What do they want from your blog? These are some really important questions to ask yourself and you must know the answer to them if you want your blog […]
Why Guest Blogging is NOT Working for my Awesome Blog
Today I have received a good question through Twitter from @AdesignStory “What should one do when the invited guest bloggers who agreed to be a part, decide to just stop responding?”, I love questions because it help me to write, it’s actually the most source of inspiration I can get from bloggers. After I reply […]
5 Great Tips for Blogging Success
For years now, blogging has skyrocketed from just a hobby to various other things such as making money online, building relationships, getting fame, building authority and credibility and many other things. It is very important to be successful in what we do.