What the Blog you are Guest Posting About?

I really thought I will never have to talk about this again, but it seems that a lot of bloggers still don’t understand what is guest posting and they probably never read our submit your article page to the end when they decided to write for FB blog, so I would love to share a few things happened recently on the blog, and point you to what I see as the right direction of guest blogging, and how to make the most out of your of guest posting here!
Note: this is a message to a few people who know themselves, they know what they’ve done,hopefully they will learn from their mistakes, and it’s for the rest of my friends just to read, enjoy and give me their opinion!
I thought to prepare this post as a Q&A form, trying to answer some question I’ve got from our guest bloggers as I remember it:
When will I get my guest post published?
Some bloggers contact me the next day and ask me to hurry up and publish their posts as soon as possible, publish it in one day or tow.. etc. Oh! PLZ give me a break! What do you know my publishing policy? why you don’t ask me about my publishing policy? well.. What do you know about blogging?
I’ve tried this one or twice to respond to them, I’ve told myself maybe they have an important stuff going and they want to get their post online fast, but then .. their respond was shocking! they didn’t even show up once to reply to the comments, they didn’t answer reader’s questions! They wasted the chance to meet their future readers and possibly new friends! They simply didn’t get benefit of guest posting (what you will do if you were in my place?)
What is your publishing policy?
Alright, I will share with you my publishing policy, it’s simply by order, well.. it was by order, but now I just changed my mind, I will publish depending on quality, importance, and depending on the timing, and what I mean about timing here is some articles get more attention on Sundays, some other articles get a lot more attention on Fridays, so this is how I will deal with it, I will publish an article on the write time when I feel it will get the best promotion I can do for it!
Should I promote my own article?
Of course my dear!
It’s highly recommended that you promote a blog post you’ve commented on, so what about your own guest post?
Also, I want to ask you how much it takes to write a good guest post? one hour? two? one week?
You write your article in two or three hours, maybe one week, I spend extra time on editing it, finding or creating an image to attach it, And.. guest what? I spend more time on promoting it! some times I promote an article for several months, and a few articles I keep promoting them for ever! (this is something you will NOT do for yourself!)
So, I would like you to understand that I am not spending my time next to my swimming pool, I am working day and night to keep this project up and running!
I didn’t really get any traffic from your blog! Why is that?
Excuse me?!
First of all, guest posting is not about traffic! Check this article out to know what you should get from guest posting! also know the reason why you should actually guest post!
I gave you the chance to add two links in the post, and probably your didn’t place them in the right place inside your article, maybe you didn’t add any link at all, so.. think of this over and over, try to realize and learn how to linkback to relevant articles on your own blog inside your guest post, I will never remove a good relevant link, so.. convince me to keep it!
And, maybe some of you notice that I personally visit the guest blogger’s blog, I check the articles their blogs trying to find something relevant to the submitted guest post to linkback to it, I do my best to award our guest bloggers (if I can), so help me on this one by writing something you can promote by guest posting! write about something you really know about, submit an article that has something to do with your own blogging niche and topics! (why you write in a faraway area?)
Can I re-publish my guest post?
Noway! Never do this!
first, you don’t need to do that, second if this happen you won’t be able to post again on other blogs (imagine you are publishing duplicated content on your own blog or other blogs? Bloggers (the owners) will discover it and they will hate this!) so you are guest blogging and putting your feet in it!
Plz delete this empty post!
This is one of the most annoying things about guest blogging!
Someone gives himself the permission to delete his (own) guest post from the blog?!
In other words, you submitted your article as pending for review, then after a few days you decided not to publish it (or because you submitted it or published it somewhere else) you go to your account and delete the content of the post leaving a message behind saying “I deleted this post” or “plz trash this entry” or “I just deleted this post because I published it on my blog”!
This is not acceptable at ALL! (where is the respect to the owner of the blog?!)
There is an awesome invention called “E-Mail”, you can use it to contact the owner of the blog and tell him that you had a situation, or you just changed your mind about publishing the post on his/her blog! by this way you are keeping the relationship a way from problems, and you are keeping the respect between you and the owner of the blog you are guest posting on!
And, you know what? submitting the same post to more than one blog at the same time and wait to see who is going to publish it first is really odd! (Can you explain why you do this?) I mean you have my email and we’ve contacted each other, you have an open line with me and you are losing it?! What for you are losing your credibility? it won’t cost you more than just a simple email to save our relationship together, I personally will not be so happy with you guest posting here anymore if I see this happening often!
What you don’t know is there are editors who check your post and prepare it for publishing, and you just came and delete it (without the right to do so)!!
So, plz.. contact me before you delete the content of the post, and stop submitting the same post to more than one blog because you actually don’t have the right to do that! (we had a agreement before.. remember? read this page in case you forgot!)
Put in your mind, I am not the expert and you are the newbie (actually I think you don’t have time to be newbie, you should learn the lesson fast!), I am NOT the owner and you are NOT the guest, I am your friend, and I am expecting you treat me good!
Now it’s your turn to ask a question and I will get back to you with the answer!
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