Becoming a successful internet entrepreneur is not a simple thing to accomplish. There is no secret formula that you can follow in order to become successful; however, there are many characteristics that a lot of the successful entrepreneurs have in common. If you possess these traits and characteristics along with the proper knowledge and determination […]
Getting Back to the Basics – Simple Solution to Success
I have gone over the need for quality content a few times. So, I am now going to focus on the development of quality material, as well as a few other basics that we tend to overlook at times. Whether you are just starting out, or feel like you are stalled in your Internet business, […]
How to Get More Twitter Followers: 3 Easy and FREE Strategies
What if I could tell you that your Twitter account doesn’t have to stay at a level of 100 followers or less for long? What if I could tell you that you don’t have to use the big promise software for increasing your Twitter followers that gets your account banned forever? That you could do it the […]
Google vs Facebook, Round Two; Five Advantages to Using Google Plus for Photo Sharing
It was bound to happen eventually. Google has spent several years trying to find a platform with the right combination of practicality and gee-whizzery to compete with Facebook. Partially because of a PR nightmare over privacy issues, Google lost the first round with their ill-fated Google Buzz. However, Google Plus just might win round two. The differences […]
Do You Know These 5 ‘Article Marketing’ Danger Signals?
So, what is article marketing? Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam probably explains it best in a recent video “…you’re writing an article and you try to include a link at the bottom and you’re hoping a bunch of other people put up copies or mirrors or duplicates of that article and that those links […]
How Many Websites Do You Need to Create a Full-time Income?
Back in the Wild West days of Internet marketing the best way to get good search engine results, create traffic, and get those conversions you needed to run a profitable business was to have multiple websites up and running. The process was what some early Internet marketers called shotgun marketing. The theory was that by […]