How to Get More Twitter Followers: 3 Easy and FREE Strategies

What if I could tell you that your Twitter account doesn’t have to stay at a level of 100 followers or less for long?
What if I could tell you that you don’t have to use the big promise software for increasing your Twitter followers that gets your account banned forever? That you could do it the right way?
What if I could tell you not only 3 strategies to skyrocket your followers numbers AND then also tell you a way to manage all those followers with simple free software?
Bottom Line: You Must Know How to Increase Twitter Followers
Well, I want you to know that I got my Twitter followers number to 5500, 5413 to be exact, and I’m pretty happy about it because they are loyal, honest-to-God followers that want to be on my list.
And that’s a feat in itself.
By the way, I don’t know what the magic number is yet where you have x number of followers and then your business explodes. I believe it may be different for different niches.
But what I found was that when I hit the 4000 follower mark, my number of followers really started to increase. For me, 4000 followers was the tipping point.
So with that in mind, I want you to listen to what I have to say and then make a split second decision of which one of these 3 free strategies you’re going to do first.
I have no monetary gain in telling you any of them. You should know that up front.
Okay, time for the big revelation.
3 Ways to Get More Twitter Followers
Method #1. Syndicate Your Own Newspaper
You really can have your own magazine or daily newspaper and have it syndicated by going to I have my own and it’s been one of my top strategies to get Twitter followers.
Here’s how this daily newspaper works. And by the way, take a look at mine at It’s called The Guest Blogging Daily.
- You go to the site and set up your newspaper based on the keyword you want to use for your Twitter list. Make it fit your Twitter list. In other words, if you are selling reclining lift chairs, don’t choose a keyword like dog beds. If you have dental services, then don’t use a keyword of flower pots or gardening. If you have Hillsdale stools that you are selling, use an appropriate keyword that makes sense. You get the meaning, I am sure.
- You will be able to find articles already written by contributing authors on your keyword. They show up automatically when you press the button to create your newspaper. What I love about this is that you don’t have to pay writers for writing these articles. You don’t even have to contact them if you don’t want to.
- It’s the software that contacts them and gives them the info that their article will be published in your daily newspaper via an alert. The normal response is that they will want to TELL EVERYONE, including all their Twitter followers. Thus, retweets become a reality.
- The paper looks like an official newspaper and you will have official news in there on a number of topics such as health, business, leisure, education, headlines, and major stories. The difference is that you can add stories based on your keywords. You can also delete a story if you don’t like it. You control the content and can add your own Editor’s Note.
After setting up the newspaper, you do very little work.
So what are you waiting for? Get in on this! Be the first in your crowd to do it.
Method #2. Change Your Thank You Pages.
After that daily newspaper is launched, make a simple change in your thank you pages on your sites. What I’m talking about is those thank yous for signing up to be on your opt-in list.
Add a sentence or two on these pages like this:
You’re invited! Do sign up as my Twitter follower where you will get …
This is a technique I borrowed from Joshua Sloan, former director of online marketing for the world’s largest and fastest growing hosting company. It’s one of the best ways I know of getting more twitter followers.
Don’t forget to add the reason why they should follow you.
It’s so simple I could slap myself for not thinking of it myself. And one of the best ideas. It’s so natural. They signed up for the newsletter; why not Twitter?
Method #3. Be a Regular Contributor – a Guest Writer
This is one of those strategies you have to work into your calendar by setting a goal. What would happen if you were a guest writer for a blog once a week for 12 weeks?
Make sure the blog you choose has a lot of readers, of course.
Well, what will happen is that those readers will start following you once they see that you asked them to follow you at the end of the article.
They like you. Why not? Your Twitter followers grow automatically and they become loyal. Exactly what you want.
Here are some ideas on what to write about:
- How to _____ in 10 seconds
- 5 Ways to ____ and Profit
- The ____ Story
- Are _____ a Dying Breed?
- 5 Ways NOT To _____
See how easy this is? Come on, you could create the structure of this article as you drive home from work or walk down the hall to your next appointment.
Make Your Decision NOW!
I challenge you to be a guest writer for one blog or website this month. Get started to reap the rewards.
Can you see how passionate I am about this? Even those who are selling reclining lift chairs, insurance services, or wooden bar stools – things that everyone doesn’t need – can benefit.
I need to hear your progress!!! Make me proud of you! And by the way, to manage your Twitter followers, use TweetDeck.
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