3 possibilities why FriendFeed is dropped from your FeedBurner Stats Counter

Maybe you have notice the big drop in our FeedBurner stats counter since the last a few days, and maybe you are suffering from the same problem and wondering why this happened! This number went down from 518 subscribers to only 78 which is the real number of our feed subscribers, this happen because FriendFeed is dropped from FeedBurner stats counter, I am going to tell you why I am not feeling so bad about it and what are the possible reasons for this drop.
Why FriendFeed is dropped from FeedBurner stats counter?
There more than one possible explanation for this, but I am not really sure of the real reason behind this drop, but I will take you through some possibilities and the final decision is completely yours!
But first let me show you this image where you can see the stats curve of our blog FeedBurner subscribers, and you can see that the drop was on the 24 of December 2009. The green curve shows the number of our feed subscribers.

I found that our friend Brandon (like almost all of us) is a little disappointed from loosing around 2000 on his stats, but also he is accepting it in a good way, and I really like when he said that the challenge is even stronger to grow his blog’s real readership. So.. After publishing this post I am going a head to ask Brandon why he think that the counter will not return back the 2000 to his counter, maybe he knows what we don’t know!
There is another possibility here, we know that Google owns FeedBurner, and some people think that Google wants to get the accurate and real number of blog feed subscribers to calculate and update blog PageRank, maybe also it will be working again after the PageRank updating process ends (plz tell if you know what’s happening here!)
The third possibility is this is just a temporary thing because of Christmas and Holidays time, and everybody is OFF these days, maybe some of you has notice some changes in the stats counter number before, these changes sometimes are major and you probably lost some part of your stats before and it came back after one or two days. Some other changes were minor, this happened to me all the time when I notice a little change in the stats counter number, like when it drop only 3 or 4 of the subscribers, and it always return back to the normal expected number after a few days.
Is there any official explanation for this issue from FeedBurner?
Yes! there is a useful post that has an official explanation for this issue by Rick Klau (Feedburner’s Vice President of Publisher Services), it’s on Darren’s blog, it’s an old post back to August 2007 but I think you might like to read it as it’s the most close thing I found for our case here.
Is your FeedBurner stats counter embarrassing you?
In my personal opinion, it’s very important to show your visitors some stats of your blog, this makes them feel what’s really going on on your blog, how much people like it and how much you are honest about information you are providing to them.
My advice to you is to let the world see how you are growing and how you are making it, actually nothing is better than real stats, I won’t be shy to show my FeedBurner stats even if it has a low number of subscribers and I won’t think it’s embarrassing at all as some blogger will might think! But of course there is nothing wrong if the high number come back 😉
How I feel about it?
Oh! I can talk a lot about my feelings and express to everybody how I am satisfied with my stats count now, I was feeling great when our blog was showing 518 subscribers, but believe it or not, I really feel more comfortable now more than ever.
What is your expectation? Is he feed counter will be back? Or it will disappear for ever from our feed stats counter?
I wish you all happy Holidays, and thanks to everyone subscribed to our Famous Bloggers RSS feed.
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