You are about to read my honest review of Thesis Theme framework. This is something I always wanted to do, and I really blame myself having not reviewed Thesis before now since I have been using it heavily on my blog. I also depend on it to run several other projects, especially here at […]
IM Graphics Plugin For Internet Marketers
Another cool WordPress plugin called IM Graphics Plugin by Andy Bailey the creator of CommentLuv, this plugin solve a huge problem that most of us are facing while building landing pages or sales pages, which is finding and adding graphics to pages. We all know that internet marketers are not designers, however there could be […]
PressTrends Get Powerful Trends and Insights For Your Blog
PressTrends provides trends and analytics for how people use and interact with WordPress. I always wanted to try it, but there was chance as PressTrends was actually in a closed beta. The good news PressTrends is out of closed beta now and it’s ready for the public, and it’s Free to use. So I decided to check it out, […]
Thesis Theme Review Plugin
I know that many bloggers and internet marketers are trying to keep up with the latest Google updates to increase their business visibility. I have been asked a few times about how I implemented ratings to the blog reviews. If you are already here then I think you also want to implement Google rich snippets for reviews into your blog. […]
How To Make Your Blog Ready For 2012
The blog you set up some time ago may well be looking a bit dated, so you need to consider how to make your blog look good by today’s standards. What do you need to do to make sure your blog looks up-to-date, fresh and modern? The appearance of your blog is arguably the thing […]