Do you ever feel like you’re diligently working away on your blog producing the best content you possibly can but getting – at best – a meagre return for your effort? That article you slaved over for hours on end leads to a tiny pinprick of traffic in your stats but not the deluge you […]
Gaining Web Traffic – a Changed Game?
When I began getting serious in this game about two years ago, things were very different. Comparing today and then is like comparing night and day… water and fire… John Lennon and Paul McCartney… You get the picture. They may have their similarities, but in reality, they’re entirely different entities. It was a lot easier […]
CommentLuv Premium – Take Spammers Down
I am so excited to witness the new version of CommentLuv Premium, Andy Bailey did amazing job on developing CommentLuv and make it more valuable than ever, the new premium version of the plugin will change the way you look to your blog, it will allow you to get rid of a few other plugins, simply because all […]
How Many People use IE6 and Why
I am a simple guy who became a web designer and developer. I am a normal guy who tries to live in peace and make a living from what I do, why I have to suffer because something called IE6 exists? The reason why I am writing this blog post is it happened that I […]
3 Powerful Promotion Strategies to Instantly Increase Blog Traffic!
Every blogger and affiliates knows that, if you want to gain more traffic to your blog what you need is quality content that will make your visitors come back to your site. Since Google updated their panda system, article marketing took a different change. Now article marketing can make or break your success in gaining […]
Make More Money on Amazon with EasyAzon
Many bloggers and internet marketers have been working so hard to drive traffic to their blogs and websites, some are making money, and some others are still struggling on converting this traffic to sales and real cash money with no luck. If you are one of them, don’t worry! Good things happen, there is another side […]