There is an exciting new update coming from Buffer, that I wanted to share with you. The App, which aims to help you share more of the great content you come across each day has released a fantastic new feature. What is Buffer? Already featured here on Famousbloggers a few months ago, the App offers […]
Graph: How long it took Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to reach 20 million users
Leon Håland of Altibox has created an awesome graph to show the amazing growth of Google+ and how they reached 20 million users in almost no time compared with Facebook and Twitter who took years to reach the same number or members. My opinion is Google was already having a huge member base that helped them […]
The Ellen Show VS Famous Bloggers on Twitter [Infographic]
I came across a very nice site called , it help you to discover your twitter character and create an infographic that shows your Twitter ID VS another Twitter account. It was really fun to see that The Ellen Show is more interesting that Famous Bloggers lol! So here you go, I created this really awesome […]
BuySellAds: Sponsored Tweets that really Works
Back to March 2011, Buy Sell Ads added new advertising options to the popular ads network. At the beginning I thought the Sponsored Tweets won’t work well, but after receiving a few sponsored tweets requests from advertisers in the network. I saw the performance in my stats, it was really amazing, I changed my mind completely! Now, I am thinking more […]
How I Made Almost One Million Dollars
I got into thinking about ‘making money online‘ about 7 years ago. That’s when I had zero assets online and I was starting from scratch. Of course, I had no idea at that time that I would make close to a cool million. Anyhow, after browsing and looking around, I decided to give Forex Trading a go. It […]
How Using Twitter Lists Can Help Your Business
One of the most overlooked tools on Twitter is the Twitter List function. Twitter lists allow you categorize the people you’re following or interested in (you don’t have to follow someone to have them on your list), so that you can quickly access the information you’re interested in while cutting out all the other noise […]