It doesn’t matter how well you write, that you have the best products and services if you have a poorly designed site. As a designer, I often see site owners with very little to no design knowledge building sites. Some of these sites turn out great, but many are flawed or have design no nos. […]
40 Plus Reasons Why I Agree with ElegantThemes Increasing its Price
I just notice that Nick Roach of the most affordable theme membership site ElegantThemes increased the price of it’s yearly paid membership to $39 regarding to the world economic crises, just kidding 😉 I wanted to give you more than 40 reason why I agree on doubling ElegentThemes’s price which is -in my opinion- still […]
Thesis 2.0 will Hit the Market with Higher Price for Developer Edition
You probably know that we are using Thesis Theme WordPress on our blog, and I actually have a Developer Edition which gives me the option to use it freely on all my blogs and enjoy free upgrades, also have the chance to test new versions before others. This is why I am kind of exciting […]