Thesis 2.0 will Hit the Market with Higher Price for Developer Edition

You probably know that we are using Thesis Theme WordPress on our blog, and I actually have a Developer Edition which gives me the option to use it freely on all my blogs and enjoy free upgrades, also have the chance to test new versions before others. This is why I am kind of exciting and can not wait till I put my hands on Thesis 2.0 and play with it, Thesis Theme it’s the best framework that worked for me so far.
I know a lot of bloggers in our blogging community who are using Thesis Theme on their blogs, so… I thought you might be interested to know that Thesis 2.0 is going to be released soon, but I don’t know when exactly it will be available for us, Thesis 2.0 release date is not mentioned yet anywhere, the thing is I have seen a few Google AdSense ads on some sites and blogs marketing for Thesis 2.0 and encouraging buyers to get it early before the price goes higher, I don’t know if you have seen these ads yourself or not, but just do a search for Thesis Theme in Google and you will be able to see it on the top of search page!
Thesis 2.0 will be on sale for $197
It’s official now! Yes, Thesis 2.0 will be on sale for $197 which is higher than today’s price.
This is why I recommend to all developers, designers and bloggers who are thinking or struggling, buy Thesis Developer Edition today for $164, or if you already had the standard license edition then upgrade to Developer’s Option now for only $77 under the current pricing structure.
Get it today before Thesis 2.0 hits the market
I promote Thesis Theme because I am using it, I love it, and I depend on it as one of my top sources of income. And probably this is why I started to design my own Thesis Skins trying to help a wide range of Thesis members, especially internet marketers! I am recommending buying Thesis Theme today before Thesis 2.0 hits the market.
Check out Thesis for the best Thesis Skins!
If you are interested to know more about this awesome theme, then come visit again after the weekend as I am preparing a new blog post that will tell you what top niche designers say about Thesis Theme, and how they customize it to create the best unique blogs and websites design, you really don’t want to miss it.
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