So, before you get involved in this, let me tell you the short answer for this question, does adding markup improve your content ranking position in Google search results? Before I answer that question, let me stress on a very important thing, markup is a code you put in a webpage to provide more details to […]
Search Engine Optimization Guaranteed To Work
There is only one kind of search engine optimization guaranteed to work —help search engines make more money. Search engines work by helping other people find what they want, so you have to produce content people want to consume, and then you have to help the search engine tell the consumers about your content. Sound […]
What Markups can do for your website?
Schemas are the HTML tags that aid to promote a website for the intention of remodeling how high they will come into sight in various search engine’s results. It has made it very obvious for the search engines to read website details when it has been transformed into HTML tags. The transformation is required because […]
Why Fake Traffic Sucks and How it Hurts Your Business Blog
If there is a currency for the internet, then it should be Web Traffic. Traffic is the blood of any website or blog, without Traffic, there is no use of having a dead page on the internet. Not all traffic are good, there is also bad traffic, and fake traffic. This post is about the Fake […]
What is Google Panda – Awesome Infographic
Here is an interesting Infographic by Single Grain explains Google Panda in plan English. See how Google Panda update provides a huge incentive to produce good content, and protect the search engines and the internet from spammers. Learn more about what can hurt your blog and how to do good link building. Google Panda provides a huge incentive to produce good […]
An Insight into the Phenomenon of Credential Scores and its Implications
One of the biggest challenges faced by search engines, and the question that haunts online marketers is how search engines rank a website, or the content shared on other websites like social media and other blogs. Previously, marketers had assumptions about how Google ranks the content, and with the introduction of Google+, the process has […]