So when you hear about internet marketing, you immediately think that it’s an easy way to make money. After all, it’s online right? That’s definitely easier than making money the traditional way, that is working for a fixed salary or starting your own bricks-and-mortar business. Furthermore, there seems to be a lot of self-proclaimed gurus […]
4 Basic Elements On Starting A Blog and Nurturing It To Profits
Are you willing to start a blog and make profits from it? If yes, then there are certain things that should be kept in mind before you can actually set up a blog, one that is successful and will help you monetize your efforts in creating it. What do you need to do? Well, if […]
Why Problems Are My Best Source of Inspiration!
Speaking about problems, there is always a solution for every problem. In many cases there is even more than one solution for each problem. People will tell you, find blogging ideas by reading other blogs, find business ideas on social media sites, or take a 15 minutes walk to get inspiration for your coming project. I must […]
Your Blogging Business Review
You know, I get contacted almost every day by people who want me to review their products, services, themes, plugins, and books. I must say that I can not respond to every request, so I carefully pick what I think is a winning horse. Your Blogging Business eBook that I am reviewing today is an […]
Are Internet Marketing Gurus Taking Us for Granted?
Before you even think that this is “another guru bashing post”, let me throw up my hands and swear. No, this is not one of such posts. The thought that the IM gurus have been taking us for granted has been lurking in my mind for so long. I’m not even sure whether I should […]
3 Vital Copywriting Secrets That Filthy Rich Marketers Use to Keep Their Prospects Engaged!
When you look at all the big launches and follow what those marketers do to bring in the big dollars, you’ll notice that there are just three things they rely on almost one hundred percent. If you’re able to utilize the same key elements in your marketing, there’s nothing stopping you from raking in big […]