In the last few years, social media has taken off. If you aren’t using social media, some might look at you funny and ask why. Due to all of the success with social media, several people have created sites to help bloggers and niche communities by creating social booking sites. Since the creation of social […]
How to Gracefully Change Directions With Your Blog
If you’ve developed a readership with your blog, changing directions can be a bit scary. We work and work and work to build up a loyal group of blog readers, and changing directions – even changing design – is difficult. But sometimes, it’s a necessity. Bloggers typically change directions when They’ve lost interest in the […]
How to Design your Site Keeping SEO in Mind?
Design your site keeping SEO in mind, so that when search engine spiders crawl over your site they’ll not only look at your flashy images or scripts, but also your text content, navigation structure, site speed, heading tags, etc. Below are some points you should keep in mind while designing your site. 1. Domain If you […]
Awesome Options Control Panel For Thesis Theme
I’ve just launched the new Thesis Skin over at, I’ve included the new skin options panel that I mentioned to you before when I was talking about Thesis Theme Skins problems, and how I really want to solve them and make awesome thesis skins that save time and effort for doing other important blogging or business tasks! But, […]
Thesis Skins The Problem and Solution
A few months back I wrote an article by doing a fast one question interview with top niche web designers, I asked them to give their opinion about Thesis Theme as a framework for WordPress CMS platform, I got amazing responds plus magnificent opinions. I visit this article from time to time, I really enjoy reading it […]
What After One Year of Blogging
If you already passed one year of blogging for income, then it’s the right time to ask yourself: What I have done? And what’s next? What I will do after one year of blogging? Look back to the past to see what you have done, and learn from what happened during your fist year of blogging, […]