The majority of the bloggers here at have been blogging less than 5 years. For those like myself, who have nearly twice that time, it has been an unforgettable experience. I have heard the stories of people who just did not try enough and thought they did everything they could to become a great blogger.
Time to Adjust our Expectations
Today I want to officially pronounce the end of publishing posts submitted by participants of our blogging contest, and I am really thankful for all bloggers who have participated and those was was helping on promoting articles and supporting us all the way, and of course a special thank to our sponsors, those who helped us in […]
How to Leverage First Time Commenters into Loyal Community Members
First and foremost I’d like to say that the FamousBloggers commenting folder is just a real goldmine. If you haven’t checked that out, I recommend you do so now as you will really find a lot of good information not just in posts, but also with the enormous amount of comments and feedback. Because of […]
Guest Blogging in Their Eyes
We have experienced a noticeable growing on our guest posting from our blogging community during the last month, some will think it’s only because of the huge blogging contest we have organized, but I wanted to highlight some important opinions of a few active members of the community about guest blogging and share it with […]
Let’s Make This a Better Place … Together
Most of the people starting a new blog these days think that blogging is simply about creating and promoting content. Then, according to the theory, readers will naturally follow and thus you will start to make money. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you start a blog and stick to the strategy mentioned […]
How Power Community Can Change A Logo Design & Make Blogs User Friendly
This exciting story happen to FamousBloggers in the age of 7 months and the result was redesigning the logo of the blog, it’s a sign that our blog is going more stronger, reached a wider range of audiences and became one of the visible blogs in the marketing and business world. This post will show […]