Time to Adjust our Expectations

Today I want to officially pronounce the end of publishing posts submitted by participants of our blogging contest, and I am really thankful for all bloggers who have participated and those was was helping on promoting articles and supporting us all the way, and of course a special thank to our sponsors, those who helped us in organizing the biggest online blogging contest ever in the history of blogging so far.
Talking about our blogging contest, we have published 37 articles in our commenting folder that has almost everything you need to know about blog comments made by real people who are sharing their own personal experiences, and that was incredibly amazing content, and I must say Nothing comes alone, but you have to work for it, chances are everywhere, but you have to take them, and if there is no chance then you have to create your own chances, and what I have seen during running the contest was amazing cooperation in the community, I really can not express my feelings enough about it, but we have done it and reached the end of publishing point successfully!
Why my article is not published?
If you don’t find your article mentioned in our comment folder then it was not approved for publishing, it could be for one of the following reasons:
– Poor quality, it’s a very short post, or someone posted about the same topic!
– You didn’t setup your account or missing your profile image or Bio info.
– Your blog is brand new and has no fresh content, you don’t update it more often.
So, plz try to understand that we were looking for quality and you was wasting your time by not reading and fully understand the contest guidelines, the how to win page, watched the contest video, or you didn’t contacted us to help you out and give you recommendations.
Have you learned the lesson?!
Generally speaking, there are probably 2 kinds of people who participate in online contests, if there is more.. let me know!
Someone Get it Right!
We have created a chance for everybody to meet with each other, engage, grow and expand their community, and as a bonus it’s cool to earn some money, we will have 20 winners, this means a big chance to win for every one, but I want to be clear about this, it shouldn’t be about money, but money is an extra, so.. relax your mind and think about it as a bonus! till we pronounce the winners.
Some one Wasted his Time!
He/She thinks about CASH, Traffic, Popularity and growing incredibly FAST!
FAST?! Well… let’s remove this word from here, because I think “Fast” shouldn’t be in our dictionary!
One person is happy because he have learned the lesson, and another is extremely disappointed because he didn’t get it right, or is was not what he was expecting!
Plz, Adjust your Expectations!
I am sure we have learned a few lessons from our blogging contest, and probably some of you got the point of it faster than others, it’s absolutely NOT about MONEY & Traffic ONLY, if you are expecting something else, then you should read this to understand how it works and what you will get from it, so.. plz try to stay on the same page with us and adjust your expectations!
Exposure: This means more people will know about you! your post will be seen by thousands of people!
Relationships: Take the chance to know those people and make a relationship with them! how? visit their blogs, send them an email or a tweet!
Readership: When people likes what you wrote, they will visit your blog! it’s your chance to make them stay!
Comments: if you have done the points above, you will get more comments!
Money: if you succeeded and learned the lesson, then probably you will get some nice cash prize!
If you are participating in our blogging contest just for money or traffic, then forget it… probably you will not win anything from the above!
I have replied to every email I got about the contest, and I even talked before about if we are making money from blogging contests, and I mentioned that we are sponsoring the contest like any other sponsor, and explained that also as a contest organizer we are getting traffic that allow us to earn indirectly from our blogs, and because we dedicated ourselves to this bloody contest we are actually losing money from the other side because we had to abandon some of our other projects, but we are earning much more than money, it’s something that money can not buy, it’s relationships!
So, in case you think different, then I must tell you that it’s not our fault that you didn’t get it, or you was expecting something else out of this contest, and you didn’t reach your goals from it!
Our Deadlines Dates
We have published this before at ComLuv.com when Gail shared our contest deadlines dates, and here it’s again to be sure that everyone read it:
- 1. Cutoff for primary entry (July 14)
- 2. Cutoff for bonus posts about any sponsor(s) (July 28)
- 3. Cutoff for promoting your entry (Aug 5)
- 4. Announce winners (Aug 15)
As we are now on the third point, all participants have about 2 weeks of promotion which is more than enough for those who got their articles published yesterday, so by this way we are trying to make it fair for everybody! and after that we will take 10 days to pronounce the winners.
Only 5 days left for sponsors posts
Online 5 days left for publishing your post about any of our sponsors, you can see examples of sponsored posts on our commenting folder page, but plz make sure to write your own don’t copy anyone!
In all cases you must report your post to me, so plz contact me if you don’t see a link to your post in the commenting folder page, send me an email that has all your sponsored posts when you are done, that would be before July 28.
Calling for Judges
Basically judges will give 1 point out of 10 for each article published in the contest, we will be counting mostly on the results from judges by calculating an average for each article depending on how many points out of 10 it receives, judges will build their opinion based on quality of the article. We didn’t decided a specific number of judges because the more judges involved the best results we can get, so.. If you are interested in joining our judges team, plz contact us. and guarantee transparency we will pronounce our judges team members.
Are we missing something? Did you send us an email asking for help or you had a question and we didn’t respond to you?! Are you stressed from waiting so long to see the contest results?
Let us know, share your thoughts.. and good luck to you all!
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