I got into thinking about ‘making money online‘ about 7 years ago. That’s when I had zero assets online and I was starting from scratch. Of course, I had no idea at that time that I would make close to a cool million. Anyhow, after browsing and looking around, I decided to give Forex Trading a go. It […]
Do You Know These 5 ‘Article Marketing’ Danger Signals?
So, what is article marketing? Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam probably explains it best in a recent video “…you’re writing an article and you try to include a link at the bottom and you’re hoping a bunch of other people put up copies or mirrors or duplicates of that article and that those links […]
How to Instantly Increase Your Online Sales
If you are selling anything online, it’s always going to come down to one thing: your sales copy. Once you improve your copy, your sales will increase. You may find it interesting to know that there are three main areas in your sales copy that are “in charge” of enticing your customer. When those are […]
The Art of Outsourcing – 4 Essential Steps You Must Know
One of the reasons people give up their online business is because they are overwhelmed by the nitty gritty of running their online business. These people tend to do every single thing such as market research, content creation, graphic design, web design, backlinking strategies, on page SEO, driving traffic, testing, tracking, administration, etc… all by […]
Businesses That Have Implemented Great Usability
Whether they’re shopping in person or online, customers expect to browse a company’s inventory and find the things they want quickly, with very little hassle. Therefore, businesses satisfy the needs of their customers much better by managing their website just like a brick-and-mortar store. In cyberspace, that means implementing high usability within a website to […]
How Do You Look At The Leaves On The Tree ? A Social Experiment
A lot of blogging success is purely judged on your ability to bring in traffic. However my experience in the past have suggested that building a better class of audience is far more better than building visitors to your blog. Visitors usually equate to loss – emotional and monetary. In addition they also tend to drain you […]